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Couple on warpath with cops....


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Do things also must be stylo milo mah. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Actually I'm not supposed to say la, but since brother, brother, I tell you,

I move one leg forward and pull backside cheeks apart, so when fart,

ALL SILENT. Pretend look at someone else and make face. laugh.giflaugh.gif


and cover nose and say 'hen cho'dizzy.gifdizzy.gifdizzy.gif


laugh.giflaugh.gifPosted Imagewa lau...fart also got commando style nia....you must be german!!


HEIL!!!Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

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Kek pui go toilet let go, toilet bowl if CMI will break one, if not, water splash up, clean backside at the same time. laugh.giflaugh.gif


sweatdrop.gifsweatdrop.gif wait inside lift want to fart how??? laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Let go lah!! Kek pui teo lai siong, you know? laugh.giflaugh.gif


This couple nothing better to do, I think they surf Stomp too much liao. Very boh liao.

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Yes the police was doing their job in attending to the case of a sleeping drunkard, that i would agree. But stopping does not equate to parking or at least that was what i read in the Straits Times previously.


If the police had fined them for obstructing their duties, i would most likely have agreed with it. But for parking? I still have my doubts, because stopping behind a police car that is obstructing the road and causing a person to wait there (for whatever dumb reason) for the police to remove the vehicle should not be considered as parking.


The Ong is parking at a place which they shouldn't have stop. the police is also not aiming for them coz they also issue a fine to the car behind as well.


The summon reads a fine of $120 and 3-point demerit. There was another vehicles besides Mr Ong's parked illegally there. The police noted that as well. BlK 232 & 233 Covered Car Porch, Plam View Estate, Ang Mo Kio.


I have my doubts on the fine on the other vehicle, because the last time the police said this to me, the other vehicle was not fined. But instead my fine was waived.

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the ONG thinking their surname tranlate to hokkien "KING" so they are superior and royal...guess they have just eaten leopard pill and push their luck... [laugh][laugh][laugh] really does anyone in this forum know this "KING" couple, care to ask them how they feel after kenna pwn [:p]

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Neutral Newbie

one question


Parking summon like this... issue by who? Neighbourhood police? or Neighbourhood police just take note of the Veh# + offend and pass to Traffic Police (or other agency) to issue the summon?

(if its the latter, then police take note of both vehicle is correct, whether to issue summon or not issue, or waived off is up to the other agency, right?)


Just a thought.


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From TNP 12/18 edition - Ang Mo Kio Man Tells Cops : You Can't Park Here


Summary : Mr Ong and his wife, Marilyn found a police car blocking a narrow access lane to a rain shelter decided to act against the policemen. Mr Ong began taking photos of the patrol car while the wife went about to track the policemen. The couple were returning to their residence in Palm View, AMK.


The wife found the policemen talking to a man in a coffeeshop. She proceed to tell the policemen that their patrol car was blocking the lane. The 3 then walked back to the patrol car when the policemen found Mr Ong taking pictures of the police car - 'in case anything goes wrong'.


That was when the argument ensued. The policemen were explaining that they were attending a case - that of a sleeping drunkard. The policemen then further explained that there was a exception for authorised vehicles to park there.


It was at this point of time that Mr Ong was cited for parking -behind the police car - in a no-parking zone.


Apparently Mr Ong did not read the sign - No Parking, Except Police, Ambulance and Authorised Vehicles. Mr Ong claimed 'not aware of the sign' because they were too small to read. Mr Ong parked there because he felt it would be too hazardous to back out because of the heavy rain and reduced visibility.


The summon reads a fine of $120 and 3-point demerit. There was another vehicles besides Mr Ong's parked illegally there. The police noted that as well. BlK 232 & 233 Covered Car Porch, Plam View Estate, Ang Mo Kio.


Not related to the Ongs and my views are based solely on what was posted here.


IMHO, i find it is an abuse of authority, as the police car (i assume) may be blocking the narrow access lane to the rain shelther.... and surely the case of a sleeping drunkard is not that urgent till they can't park a place when it will not cause obstruction to other cars.


It seems they are unhappy with the ruckus that the Ongs had kicked up and thus fine them for it. How can they deem it as parking if the Ongs car is behind the police car and thus partially or fully obstructing the lane. Even if it is possible to squeeze thru, there may be little leeway if the fella miscue and scratches the other car, who should be liable for both damages?


When we see indiscrimate parking by police, everyone will say let give them benefit of the doubt that they are working on a urgent case but a sleeping drunkard? A drunkard maybe still consider urgent but a sleeping one? [sweatdrop]


The question is, would the drunkard still be sleeping when they got there or would he be a raving lunatic brandishing a knife. Its not as if the road was blocked, its just the shelter.

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sleeping drunkard how to go amok? wet dreams? [laugh]


Sure, since on official duties, they should not be bothered if people take pics of their car, if they had charged the guy for being a nusicance maybe i will still agree. But for parking?


I dun seem how can it be deem as illegal parking if the road in front is blocked.


Parking does not require the road to be blocked.

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From TNP 12/18 edition - Ang Mo Kio Man Tells Cops : You Can't Park Here


Summary : Mr Ong and his wife, Marilyn found a police car blocking a narrow access lane to a rain shelter decided to act against the policemen. Mr Ong began taking photos of the patrol car while the wife went about to track the policemen. The couple were returning to their residence in Palm View, AMK.


The wife found the policemen talking to a man in a coffeeshop. She proceed to tell the policemen that their patrol car was blocking the lane. The 3 then walked back to the patrol car when the policemen found Mr Ong taking pictures of the police car - 'in case anything goes wrong'.


That was when the argument ensued. The policemen were explaining that they were attending a case - that of a sleeping drunkard. The policemen then further explained that there was a exception for authorised vehicles to park there.


It was at this point of time that Mr Ong was cited for parking -behind the police car - in a no-parking zone.


Apparently Mr Ong did not read the sign - No Parking, Except Police, Ambulance and Authorised Vehicles. Mr Ong claimed 'not aware of the sign' because they were too small to read. Mr Ong parked there because he felt it would be too hazardous to back out because of the heavy rain and reduced visibility.


The summon reads a fine of $120 and 3-point demerit. There was another vehicles besides Mr Ong's parked illegally there. The police noted that as well. BlK 232 & 233 Covered Car Porch, Plam View Estate, Ang Mo Kio.


Crazy eh...though i'm also Ong but...this Ong is crazy eh!!

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