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Crazy weather in Singapore ?


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Hospital air not filtered?

I thought this is common knowledge?


Since my kids were young, we always exclude them from hospital visits due to concerns about bacteria/germ that could affect their immune system, as almost yearly till primary schools they will be admitted due to pneumonia/bronchitis problem.


And the air there is especially bad for old and sick people. My wife lost her grandfather when he was admitted due to fall and died later due to infected by bacteria while there. And i have learnt of similar stories from my friends and colleagues.


You sure you never have this concerns despite thinking that hospital air is filtered. The A&E Department is especially bad, follow by the wards. Think you should remember about the SARS episode.


So for me is no go even if really got free blanket and biscuit. Airport better.

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I thought this is common knowledge?


Since my kids were young, we always exclude them from hospital visits due to concerns about bacteria/germ that could affect their immune system, as almost yearly till primary schools they will be admitted due to pneumonia/bronchitis problem.


And the air there is especially bad for old and sick people. My wife lost her grandfather when he was admitted due to fall and died later due to infected by bacteria while there. And i have learnt of similar stories from my friends and colleagues.


You sure you never have this concerns despite thinking that hospital air is filtered. The A&E Department is especially bad, follow by the wards. Think you should remember about the SARS episode.


So for me is no go even if really got free blanket and biscuit. Airport better.

True to certain extend, esp old people or low immune system people, if warded and stay in hospital too long, might get infected by bacteria there. I also know some old people eventually die in the hospital is not due to their own health issue but is from infection to their lungs etc.

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I thought this is common knowledge?


Since my kids were young, we always exclude them from hospital visits due to concerns about bacteria/germ that could affect their immune system, as almost yearly till primary schools they will be admitted due to pneumonia/bronchitis problem.


And the air there is especially bad for old and sick people. My wife lost her grandfather when he was admitted due to fall and died later due to infected by bacteria while there. And i have learnt of similar stories from my friends and colleagues.


You sure you never have this concerns despite thinking that hospital air is filtered. The A&E Department is especially bad, follow by the wards. Think you should remember about the SARS episode.


So for me is no go even if really got free blanket and biscuit. Airport better.


To me, it is 1 of those urban legend that i never believe.  In fact, exposure to virus/germ is good to built up immune system.


SAR is similar to biological weapon that requires extreme level of filtration.


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To me, it is 1 of those urban legend that i never believe.  In fact, exposure to virus/germ is good to built up immune system.


SAR is similar to biological weapon that requires extreme level of filtration.


To me it is not urban legend if it happen to my close relative and is real. 


But I am not here to tell you how to live your lives. Life is too short to be bothered by all this argument. Relax and live happily as what we like. Just be careful and be prepared for any eventualities.

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To me, it is 1 of those urban legend that i never believe. In fact, exposure to virus/germ is good to built up immune system.


SAR is similar to biological weapon that requires extreme level of filtration.


Definately not urban legend. The doctors and nurses at TTSH told us too. And my mum who was a nurse, never allowed us to visit her workplace at KKH. Always met her at the gate of KKH.

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Weather still quite warm now, even though it rains just now.

I don't see rain lor.

Only dark clouds.

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To me, it is 1 of those urban legend that i never believe. In fact, exposure to virus/germ is good to built up immune system.


SAR is similar to biological weapon that requires extreme level of filtration.


The worry is catching something that is too strong for your immune system. But you are right too, what does not kill you makes you stronger. That is provided your immune system can kill the germ/virus.

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miss the stretch of cool 22degC days early this year :D


when will it ever happen again

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Now hiding in my room with aircon ON.


And OC is enjoying 16deg temp in Sydney with friends

Edited by Tohto
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Now hiding in my room with aircon ON.


And OC is enjoying 16deg temp in Sydney with friends ð

What are you even doing at home?



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Its been below 13c here for nearly two weeks. Some sun and rain.

UK that is.

Too cold to go out.

Why too cold to go out?

Just need to put on a sweater will be perfect.

In Singapore even at home also felt so warm without aircon on.

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