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Our Labour Union Chief has a heart of gold


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Labour chief urges employers to give priority to local workers

By Satish Cheney, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 04 December 2008 2142 hrs

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Mr Lim Swee Say Related Videos shim.gifLabour chief urges employers to give priority to local workers shim.gifhttp:///



SINGAPORE: It may make more business sense to let go of foreign rank-and-file workers rather than Singaporean workers if retrenchment is unavoidable, said Labour chief Lim Swee Say at the Singapore Tripartism Forum on Thursday.


The secretary-general of the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) said: "We're talking about rank-and-file workers who are, by and large, replaceable. Our message is

Edited by Cheekg98
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cheehh.. from the main page, the title is "our labour chief has a heart...."....


i thought the title is "our labour chief has a heart attack"....a bit dissapointed in fact... [laugh]

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I think we have to read the article in the right context.


What Suay-Suay is really saying :"If want to retrench people, give priority to local workers. Fire them first."

Edited by Darth_mel
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aiya...he say niah..he labour chief mah..cant be telling companies to sack overpaid sg workers.


wait till he donate his million $$ salary to lowly paid retrenched staff..then i say he got heart of gold.

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Compared to the previous downturn, at least this time round the labour chief tries to say something for the locals. Whether this translate to positive effects for locals is another remains to be seen.


For them there's too much political cost involved if they do too little for the locals.


To be realistic, the govt cannot enforce, so they can only urge. It's not as if foreign companies are begging to set up shop here. If the rules and regulations are too onerous, costs too high, they WILL move out. And that can result in more job loss.


I think the govt should provide more incentives to companies to avoid retrenchments, like giving generous tax breaks for every local headcount companies retains.

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The words just does not tally with the actions or rather other words......


one hand says give priority to local, the other floods foodcourt, cleaning co, etc everywhere with imported FT..... [sweatdrop]


one hand say FT helps to contains cost, the other tells companys that letting-go of them while keeping locals make business sense in tough time....... [hur]

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bro, ever heard 官字两个口? roti prata talk only unimpressed.gif

politians are one of the professions that cannot be distrusted..

just read with a pinch of salt lah.. or perhaps, for entertainment..

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Typical of them. Say one thing, do another. You think they really give a damn about Singaporean headcount in companies here? Just take a walk around Raffles Place during lunchtime and see for yourself the fruits of their foreign talent project. See how fast Singaporeans are becoming a rarity in Singapore. [furious]

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2 weeks ago, i went to sakae sushi.. gosh, serve by Filipinos, when make payment, cashier also a filipinos.... i felt like im having a holiday in Philippine...


then, few days ago, brought my son to KK, ENT, for checkup... wow... 2 ladies who help to do the hearing test are filipinos...., no prize for guessing it right, the doctor also a filipinos... btw, the doc is nice..., very caring and friendly, explain everything in detail with a smile.....[thumbsup]


did they open up the gate for Philippine recently??....


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i went to SGH and there are many Filipino nurses and helpers to the docs too

but i must say they are more patient and friendly..

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wit ur second sentence, [idea] i think heart PEACEnaker should be laughing to Damb Bloody Slow, maybe invest in lemon bottle series durian24 [laugh]

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