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Anyone know how much to flush and change brake fluid ??


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just changed to mintex brake pad .. instead of giving me better respone ... now its giving me those crook crook sound while braking ...


i suspect my brake fluid need to be flush and change cause my car is 2 1/2 yr liao and running on 30k already



any advice here what could be the problem .?? or shall i do the change of brake fluid anyway ...


pretty tight on budget these days cause just lup one exos Lips Are Sealed


any recommendation .?


thanks in advance

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Dunno what is "crook crook" sound. You need to describe it better.... else nobody can even advise on the possibilities.


Screeching, bird chirping, scraping sounds etc.... can be because the pads are new and the sides are rubbing against your disk's raised edge (if disk is worn down to have a raised circumference). But your's only 30K, I don't think it has worn down that much though.... also could be because they are not bed in yet.


As to the price of flushing.... about $30 provided you buy their fluid. If you byo... normally is slightly higher for labour itself.

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tis is e problem wif aft mkt brake pad. Is nothing to do wif ur brake fluid. Use back original one n e sound goes away. I use Bandix metal king also got tis sound but i don mind as i noe i m using a better pad than e original one. The sound will eventually goes softer when e pad heats up. [;)]

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Bro, IMHO the crook crook sound is due to the Mintex Brake Pad [nod][nod][nod]


If it's belongs to those performance range ones (I dunno much about aftermarket brake pads [:p] ), it would need to reach certain temperature before it starts to perform to it's peak [nod][nod][nod]

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Facing the exact problems with the Mintex's pad.

Sound is worse when the pads is still cold to the extend can get quite embarrasing [laugh] but even after driving for a while.. the noise is still present although not as loud

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Suggest you go back to the workshop that changed the pads for you. Ensure that the metal shims that was from the original pads are transferred over. Those shims are called anti noise shims. Many workshops throw them away and then you have noise problem.


If the last set of pads dont come with the shims, then you got to buy the rubber shims to stick onto the back of the brake pads.

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