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Experience with kidney stones


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He seldom drink plain water but plenty of 'others' drinks (lol)


but after knowing the stones are there, he started the habit to drink water 1st thing

every monrning..


ic...my younger bro aso dun hv the habit of drinking plain water. [shakehead] Same as his wife too. [sweatdrop]

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try to drint more water,

the doctor can give soem kind of solvent(can't remeber that is that) it meant to make you piss more and reduce acidity...


the jhpe that is wil be pissed out...


if u got the symtop like pressure buit up and uable to piss properly, chance that the stome may to stuck on the duct of the baddle.


good luck...the pain.is like guestric like that with cold sweat and u literally wanted to vomit...

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[sweatdrop] Went thru the same shiet.....


The pain wasnt the op up your thingy, but post op.

It was darn painful esp the first leak. I held on to the bar in the loo and whimpered like a wuss......



i went through 2 operation on my right kidney to destroy the kidney stone

that was abt 5 years back.

but it came back on my left kidney 2 years ago and recently last mth


the pain is more painful than women giving birth


ok for the 1st ops.....it was like using ultrasound to destoy the stone.

u are fully awake. when feeling pain you got to pump in painkiller manually.

the pain was unbearable during my ops that i overdose the painkiller


pass urine....u will see blood and some sands


it is not painful


now 3 mths later kena again

i screw the doc upside down cause he told me my stones are clear after the 1st ops


this time round

the knock me out

they poke in through your penis hole all the way up to your kidney all blast it away


u wont feel pain after you woke up


ahhh now the fun part

you take your first leak after the ops

the toilet wall in the hospital almost collapse if i got super human strength

hows the pain?

the pain is so painful that u have phobia to urine and it last up for 2 weeks


for my left kidney.......the stones drop of by itself


ok everybody got kidney stones because of chemical in food we ate

but those feel pain is because those stones was not flush out of our system fast thus it grow bigger and start to stuck


biggest culprit are fluoride and calcium

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Tofu supposed to be healthy.....






Doctors in China have removed 420 kidney stones from a man's body, blaming an excessive amount of tofu in his daily diet.


Mr He from Zhejiang Province in eastern China, checked into the Dongyang People's Hospital complaining of intense pain in his abdomen last month. A CT scan revealed that his left kidney was packed full of stones, most of them tiny.


Doctors operated on Friday in an agonising procedure that lasted about two hours.

Mr He said he had a history of suffering from kidney stones. Twenty years ago he had 10 stones removed using a procedure called lithotripsy, which sends shock waves to break up stones in the kidney, bladder, or ureter until they are small enough to pass in the urine.




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isn't it made from soybean milk and 石膏?

  On 6/11/2015 at 11:02 AM, Camrysfa said:


Tofu supposed to be healthy.....






Doctors in China have removed 420 kidney stones from a man's body, blaming an excessive amount of tofu in his daily diet.


Mr He from Zhejiang Province in eastern China, checked into the Dongyang People's Hospital complaining of intense pain in his abdomen last month. A CT scan revealed that his left kidney was packed full of stones, most of them tiny.


Doctors operated on Friday in an agonising procedure that lasted about two hours.

Mr He said he had a history of suffering from kidney stones. Twenty years ago he had 10 stones removed using a procedure called lithotripsy, which sends shock waves to break up stones in the kidney, bladder, or ureter until they are small enough to pass in the urine.






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The pain is excruciating. May be worst than child birth. Very very unbearable.


Had it in Jul 2011. 2 years later in Aug 2013, it returned. Hopefully, it will not come back as I did nothing after each first visit to GH. Refused the CT scan and other follow ups.


Only took the given pain killers and drink lots of water including lemon juice.



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How to prevent kidney stones

Once you have formed a kidney stone, it is unfortunate that studies have shown that you are more likely to form another within the next 5-10 years from the first onset. Here are some steps to try to prevent this condition:

  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. The BEST fluid you can drink is WATER.
  • Talk to your doctor about what diet is right for you. Depending on the type of stone you have formed, you may be told to:
    • Avoid apple and grapefruit juices.
    • Drink more cranberry juice or to NOT drink this juice.
    • Avoid foods high in oxalate, such as spinach, nuts, and chocolate.
    • Eat less meat, fish, and poultry. These foods increase urine acidity.
    • Decrease your sodium intake, especially if you have calcium stones.
    • Increase your intake of magnesium (as found by some studies)
    • Increase your intake of Vitamin B6 (also found by some studies)
    • Drink lemonade daily (fresh squeezed is recommended)
    • Increase your fiber intake.
    • Watch your sugar intake.
    • Lose weight if you are overweight.
  • If you have an enlarged parathyroid gland, you may need to have it removed surgically.
  • Medicines prescribed may include:
  • Drugs that control the amount of acid in the urine
  • Allopurinol or sodium cellulose phosphate—to treat urine high in calcium
  • Hydrochlorothiazide (a diuretic)—to treat urine high in calcium
  • Thiola—to reduce the amount of cystine in the urine

This page has more elaborate descriptions on Getting Rid of Kidney Stones.


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  On 6/11/2015 at 11:02 AM, Camrysfa said:


Tofu supposed to be healthy.....






Doctors in China have removed 420 kidney stones from a man's body, blaming an excessive amount of tofu in his daily diet.



Mr He from Zhejiang Province in eastern China, checked into the Dongyang People's Hospital complaining of intense pain in his abdomen last month. A CT scan revealed that his left kidney was packed full of stones, most of them tiny.



Doctors operated on Friday in an agonising procedure that lasted about two hours.


Mr He said he had a history of suffering from kidney stones. Twenty years ago he had 10 stones removed using a procedure called lithotripsy, which sends shock waves to break up stones in the kidney, bladder, or ureter until they are small enough to pass in the urine.






This looked like scooped up at a pebble beach.

Looked awfully painful.

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  On 11/21/2008 at 11:00 AM, Melissa said:

Hi, my dad had kidney stones last year.

due to the size of the stones, the doc do not encourage anything to

be done to remove the stones. only arrange for follow-ups if the pain is still there.


Last week, my dad went to see the doc and found out that the stones are gone.


During the year, my dad develope a habit of drinking a cup or 2 plain water 1st thing in

the morning when he's awake. he also took chinese medicine (called 'She fu').


Doc's advise is to drink water to 'flush out' the stones.


PS: my dad just went for Gall Bladder removal ard 2 weeks back.


Just to highlight this again. 


I was warded into SGH last month due to pain and kidney stones.


Due to the size of the stones, the specialist also did not encourage anything to be done yet to remove the stones. Only arrange for follow up. I was discharged only with pain killers and to drink lot of water.


From what I understand, there is no western medicine that can help to flush out the small kidney stones. If it is big enough, it can be removed by surgery or use laser to smash up the stones into smaller pieces. 


Went to TCM and TCM recommend 石淋通 and 金钱草丸 which can help to flush out the smaller kidney stones.

so far, it works for me


Hope it helps. 

Edited by Mahjong74
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Saw urologist at ktph today for foĺlow up regarding my admission there last mth for kidney stones.... ct scan showed hv 1 stone left n at a spot tat wun cause problem. Advised to drink more lime juice by doc.


Those who kena b4 know the pain is unbearable .... if u suspect anyting.. better go see doc b4 joining our club...

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  On 6/9/2017 at 8:53 AM, Mustank said:

Planting lime plants nao!!!!!!!!

Great suggestion!


Now I know what plant for my empty pot.

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I kana kidney stone last Ramadan. Knn.....tbe pain when the stone was passing the urethra was really unimaginable. Cant stand cant sit cant lie down......all because of a few stones smaller than a grain of rice!

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