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How much to do Dynamat Xtreme w/ Insul. for Bonnet?


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Neutral Newbie

Perhaps somebody had asked b4, but pardon me [sweatdrop] ... i haven't been able to find any details except for DIY stuffs. Me not so skilful at DIYing..


Which shops do Dynamat Xtreme damping with insulation/hoodliner? .. I noe a lot but can name like 3 or any shop u hav dealt with...


What price range can I expect? dun want to end up kenna [knife]


Thank you sooo much... maybe those who wants to SP bonnet wants to go & do it together???


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Neutral Newbie

Dynamat Xtreme not that cheap.

May i ask why you using that for bonnet?

Seen some with rubber or foam on bonnet.

What kind of ride is yours?

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Neutral Newbie

Why use Dynamat Xtreme (DX) on bonnet? It's kind of expensive [sweatdrop] Just completed DIY (1st timer) the 4 doors using DX. Though it took me ~ 6 hours, very satisfied with the job (+ having minor cuts on my fingers). It does filter out alot of external sound from buses or bikes. It also gives your door the "tak" sound when you close it. Got it at S$35/piece (1 piece just enough for 1 door) from 55 Car Accessories & Air-Con Trading, Tel: 65665558. They charge S$90 for installation of 4 doors. You can look for Ms Phyllis.


I DIY my bonnet with some kind of fire proof foam + elephant glue. Can't remember the name of the shop but if you're interested, drop me a mail at [email protected] (i'll check it out for you)



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Neutral Newbie

Can't comment on their workmanship as I DIY. However, they claim that they can't do up the entire floorpan for my car as they are afraid they'll mess up the airbag or something? Was quoted $300 for inserting the DX onto floorpan without taking out the car seat (they are afraid to mess up the air bag [confused] . They will use 4 pcs of DX & the labour charge works out to $160. Very itchy to try DIY & save up the $160.


Below is the email of Phyllis

[email protected]

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Can DIY using those carpeted sheet material which are fire-retardant. They come with adhesive backing & costs about $25 per pc measuring 1.2m x 1m

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Neutral Newbie

thks for sharing the info [thumbsup][thumbsup] this is the kind of reply that's useful (straight to the pt.!). the shop is in Bt. Batok (near my home)... will go check it out. As for the bonnet, from research...it seems that most ppl use a dampener (something heavy, e.g. bitumen, accumat..) as well as adding an insulation layer for a proper complete bonnet SP. I tink juz foam only is not enough leh...


the previous owner of my previous car [;)] did somethang to the bonnet, which i tink is good. U can't even hear the fan sound when standing next to the car...

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Hi there,


I think they are no longer in operation liow. Telephone and email no longer working...


Anyone have any lobang for the Dynamat Extreme with installation for 4 doors?


How much is it now btw?



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Neutral Newbie
Can DIY using those carpeted sheet material which are fire-retardant. They come with adhesive backing & costs about $25 per pc measuring 1.2m x 1m


Where can one get such a material? I bought armaflex before, but it did not come with adhesive backing...

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Neutral Newbie

Thanks for the contact.


I am actually overseas now, so will check it out when I get back in a few months' time.


Would you know the name of the material? It would help cause then I could see if I can get it over here in Australia.



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Hi there,


Called up ATC but they do not carry Dynamat.


The lady only told me that they have this Silent sheets or something... 1 is normal sjeet but she said for door trim only.. Wonder wat that means... The other is a fibreglass kind...


Normal ones is $12.50 while the fibreglass 1 is at $25, but they not install though...



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Hi there,


Need any kind input to check if $65/piece for Dynamat Extreme with installation on the door is reasonable or is it expensive?


Anyone compared the effectiveness of the Dynamat Extreme vs others like Silent, Smart Mat etc etc?




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