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Breakeven in 6 years time......


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I was looking at my car plan and usage.


2 years later, my ride is 70K my break even point is 6 years as I took at 10 year loan.

by than my ride's mileage will be 210,000 km given that every year I clock 35,000 km.


Anyone's ride already over the 100k mark? How is your ride doing, still as splitzy or a little exhausted?

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fwah ... 6 yrs to breakeven ..... sweatdrop.gifsweatdrop.gif


didn't even calculate mine. took a 7yr loan. Guess my breakeven point is somewhere near the 5th yr.... still got someway to go ....

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Learned about loan sometime ago, "neither be a lender nor a borrower"...Usually it is about 7 years for 2.5% and no outfront payment.


My Octy hit 110,000km with multiple "organs" failures, all electronics, including speedometer, speed and reverse sensors.

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by the time I reach breakeven point, prob left ard 2 yrs to go sweatdrop.gif not helped by our non-existent scrap value ... our rides must use scrap value as breakeven point unsure.gif

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Type Run Sales mah... [laugh]


I think if I were still driving the Octavia, my monthly petrol bill would be $800 a month! Jepun car can run more km per litre! [:p]

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Bro, m always careful but passed that point long time ago but what pple think.

What I meant was " Japanese work harder so u hav higher mileage compare to Contis and their 4 day week"..jus so u undystand.


so when kopi?

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mine coming to 80K & so far so good.

stock is best!


"splitzy"?... huat's that?


if u maintain ur ride regularly & give it TLC, it should last you well.SOme of the SPB cabbies are well into the 150K & still gg strong & smooth.


I was looking at my car plan and usage.


2 years later, my ride is 70K my break even point is 6 years as I took at 10 year loan.

by than my ride's mileage will be 210,000 km given that every year I clock 35,000 km.


Anyone's ride already over the 100k mark? How is your ride doing, still as splitzy or a little exhausted?

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Thanks for the encouraging news.


Recently my ride experience something I cannot quite describe, as if the car's timing belt is off or when the gear dose not engage properly and the car stutters, went to get it check, they cannot find any fault with it on the computer, and the problem is that it does not happen all the time, and I do not pedal to the metal type but slow and steady acceleration, not sure if anyone else experience this.


Ride wise it is good and comfy, I still wished for stiffer springs and shocks though, but want to wear out the stock one first, maybe change it on the 4th year.


My usage is quite high due to ferrying kids and wife to work and than run errands and work..... quite a workhorse.

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Check your coilPacks. Or maybe your plugs. One way, which i think can check is u pull individual plugs and if there is oil on the plug then it normally that cylinder.


BTW do run our superb across NS highway becoz really it rejuverate the engines!


Mine after a run to yong peng and back, wah... can now feel the pull of the small turbo. Previously... very legatic during 3-4k.

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