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Grrrrrh! Parking lot snatched from under my nose.


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Was at IMM noon today and waited at ground floor parking lots for almost 10 mins before a family got back to their car with their shopping. Lined up 2 car width ahead of their car, on hazard lights and waited with a red Mazda 3 further behind me. Family drove off and I was about to reverse into parking lot when a lorry zoomed up from behind the red Mazda and took the empty lot! [thumbsdown] Wind down my window and gestulated angrily at the lorry driver who looked at me and laughed with his passenger [:|] The red Mazda driver also joined in and gestulated at him (or that's what I thought I saw him doing). Thanks bro! Gave up and went all the way up to 5th floor. Hmmmmmmmmm!!!


Felt at that point of time, to come down to the lorry and rip off his side mirrors [lipsrsealed] But good sense took hold of me and stopped me from doing that as it would be dangerous for the lorry and also other drivers on the road.


What a day! [mad]


Sorry for my evil thoughts [lipsrsealed]


Wah ! Read already very angry and somemore they laugh at you !!!! You should have gone to a DIY shop and buy something sharp and place under the lorry 4 tires. See whether these idiots can laugh somemore when they leave. Make sure this will wipe their idiotic smiling face off.



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I didn't fight with him. I was just there about to park and he came and tried to create a scene and shout like a mad man.


Without making a few reverse corrections he won't be able to park! because it is just not meant for him, there are many vehicles around also. He should be able to reverse and parked his backside and didn't have to come and agitate me. This driveway allows 3 cars to go alongside... that wide... and he was that far... and that thick skinned... Yet he blocked me while I seek permission from the van driver, and expects me to reverse to let him take the lot. Man, there are cars behind! 7382... people like just get away with it.


I have to gesture a few times to shoo him forward so at least I can move to the other side and sure enough, god is helping, I got a lot in 5 minutes.

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No...I dun mean you argue with him...


What I meant was if it was me...I will keep quite....let you have the space....you like it so much more than I do....so I can always let you have it....PERMANENTLY.....tongue.gif

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i wouldn't do anything like that


why stoop so low?? these people will get to taste their own medicine some day


it is only the lorry driver is with a passenger, he then behaved so yaya...if he's alone with no one beside him, he would think again before snatching lots


many people are like that, when in a group or not alone, they tend to be more bold and try to show off...when alone, they're like hum-chees

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I should have just quickly slot in that lot and come out *#(%^!@!& at him if he charge at me. But I saw his reverse light immediately when I was about to park from beside the uncle van. I gave him the chance to reason with me however he never talk just shouted show his ugly side. It realy doesn't pay to be nice. Next time I will not let these as$h@le get away. Anyway, I choose to ignore that lot and that as$h@le as I am afraid I need to park there permanently or have free tatoo. What to do?


By the way, how to permanently park the car for sure? Because by placing nail on four wheels will not necessary punture the tyre but it surely endanger other road user or vehicles when that car is out on the road, but I don't want someone get murder for that.

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Brudder, now come to think of it. To have disputes in the carpark is not worth it, just let it be. Live and let live.


The only thing that may turn out from disputes is having your car vandalised by the other party. Kind of scary huh?? [sweatdrop][sweatdrop]


You know, when you are happily shopping, the other bugger is happily scratching your car [shocked]

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No lah...I mean immobilize it....


So many way....let out air from tires....toothpick as some suggested....or a hard kick between fender and door....let those lot raiders sweat when they come back to their cars lor.

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But it's not worth being caught doing something foolish like this just for a maddog lot raiders right?


God will punish him in other ways. Who knows when he leave the place 5 minutes earlier he never made it home on the way, 5 mins earlier.


Yeah I know I am bad.

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Was at IMM noon today and waited at ground floor parking lots for almost 10 mins before a family got back to their car with their shopping. Lined up 2 car width ahead of their car, on hazard lights and waited with a red Mazda 3 further behind me. Family drove off and I was about to reverse into parking lot when a lorry zoomed up from behind the red Mazda and took the empty lot! [thumbsdown] Wind down my window and gestulated angrily at the lorry driver who looked at me and laughed with his passenger [:|] The red Mazda driver also joined in and gestulated at him (or that's what I thought I saw him doing). Thanks bro! Gave up and went all the way up to 5th floor. Hmmmmmmmmm!!!


Felt at that point of time, to come down to the lorry and rip off his side mirrors [lipsrsealed] But good sense took hold of me and stopped me from doing that as it would be dangerous for the lorry and also other drivers on the road.


What a day! [mad]


Sorry for my evil thoughts [lipsrsealed]


Out of curiousity.. is it a silver toyota with the license number of GZ284*??

Edited by Hwangster
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Tooth pick I never tried before...I think its to choke the keyhole so that key cannot be inserted.


Picking the small gap between fender and door....door will not be able to open cos the bend in part will block it...tried before liao....to a Lot Raider in Plaza Singapura...laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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Neutral Newbie

hello guys,


while waiting for a car to move out of a reverse parking lot & assuming due to restriction, your car had to be in front for it to move out...do you


a) turn on the signal indicator relative to the lot

b) turn on hazard lights

c) shift to reverse gear, hence reverse indicator ON

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I will switch on hazard light and position my vehicle in such an angle so that when the car move out I am able to just reverse n park. If there is insufficient space to position infront, I will turn on left/right indicator first and move forward to let out the parked vehicle.


But most of the time, I will wait after the lot.

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Neutral Newbie

hello crisp,


thanks for the response.


would like to add that some drivers take years to move out of their lots after getting in...hence positioning to reverse, may block other cars behind.

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Good question....the answer is


1) make sure the car getting outta the lot is able to get out without you blocking him.

2) Switch on your hazard lite to indicate your intention to park


I have come across goodu who block my way...and they want my lot. If you do not get the hell out of the way how I give you the lot leh ? No blainer.....


If you suay suay overshot the lot....then too bad lor....go around and find another lot.


My trick is to position my car in such a way that there is no way for pple to potong my lot and I will not block the other party coming out...


Very simple....take IMM for example...


If car coming out of lot will make a left turn, I will wait before his car on his right side. That way he will not be impeded when coming out....and if someone position themselve on the left side of this exiting car....dun gancheong....he will not be able to take advantage of his position...


When the exiting car comes out....if he is too close...he will impede the exiting car...so he will have to shift forward....and he cannot do anything until the exiting car comes out....so once the exiting car comes out of the lot....you move forward to block the lot.


I use this trick many time liao....so far so good...no one has been able to potong the lot I wanna park in....but if one day someone manages to do so....good skill from him lor...

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Have to judge them sometimes some funny family take a long time, so must agar when they start engine then positioned.


Positioning to reverse is good if the driveway is wide eg IMM 2nd level onwards at entrance or exiting car can turn right (2 way traffic). I normally positioned a lil more forward when traffic is cleared. Some drivers follows so close behind so not able to wait after the lot as they refused to reverse, have to resort to this tactics. Then behind start horning instead of moving on from my right, that is good because the parked car would then hurry up and exit.

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