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How much is SAF regular's salary?


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Hemasek Toldings got so many listed companies anywhere they go to will be good life. My CO(Lt Col) used to work in stinktel. Now I dunno where he moved on to.

Seen a whole big bunch of them in Hospitals n ntuc Edited by BenTong
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Ai seh.. SAF should invite u 2 back for their marketing advertisement ..

I was referring to promoting to MR. after ORD..











NEVER LOOK BACK !! :yuush::yuush:

and risk having no one wanting to join them....hahaha! When i was doing my reservist there was a time when sending someone for promotion and course was the way to sabo the sabo king of the company....
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You must know that he doesnt have value anymore when he retires at 40+ from the military --> It is super hard to find jobs elsewhere because his military experience is practically useless. And somemore at 40+ without practical experience, its ultra uber hard.

It is precisely due to the early retirement age, that is why the army pays u so high monthly salary --> the high monthly of 10k or 13k is for u to save up for the future when u retire at 40+.

However, another thing that u might be very interested ($$$$$$$), when the military officers retire at 40+, for a LTC or S/LTC, they could receive a lump sum payment of close to a million dollars for retirement. Is this million dollar amount sufficient to maintain the lifestyle of the both of you till around 80 yrs old for the both of you? 

The LTC or S/LTC should have already save up a substantial amount of money so by the time he retires, he should probably have at least 500k savings? this 500k + 1 million = $1.5mil should be sufficient to maintain the lifestyle of most ppl.... but i am not sure abt u, considering u buy skylines, D3s, f2.8 lenses like buying popiahs... 

After retirement from military, another option would be to convert to a DXO, but like what the rest had mentioned, normally they would take a paycut of 50% (arnd 5k or 6k), sometimes even more. By being a DXO, they can work till the statutory retirement age. And again to me, being still able to take home 5k or 6k at mid 40s onwards is already a very good thing, taking note that outside corporations wouldnt wan you.

Actually, to most ppl, to be able to command a salary of 4k/mth or 5k/mth is a very big thing. And to most girls, they would be satisfied and willing to settle down with a guy that could bring home a 4k/mth or 5k/mth salary. I mean this is for normal guys and girls with normal expectations. 


No guarantee

Usually for LTA after degree sign on, will be CPT.


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You must know that he doesnt have value anymore when he retires at 40+ from the military --> It is super hard to find jobs elsewhere because his military experience is practically useless. And somemore at 40+ without practical experience, its ultra uber hard.


It is precisely due to the early retirement age, that is why the army pays u so high monthly salary --> the high monthly of 10k or 13k is for u to save up for the future when u retire at 40+.


However, another thing that u might be very interested ($$$$$$$), when the military officers retire at 40+, for a LTC or S/LTC, they could receive a lump sum payment of close to a million dollars for retirement. Is this million dollar amount sufficient to maintain the lifestyle of the both of you till around 80 yrs old for the both of you?


The LTC or S/LTC should have already save up a substantial amount of money so by the time he retires, he should probably have at least 500k savings? this 500k + 1 million = $1.5mil should be sufficient to maintain the lifestyle of most ppl.... but i am not sure abt u, considering u buy skylines, D3s, f2.8 lenses like buying popiahs...


After retirement from military, another option would be to convert to a DXO, but like what the rest had mentioned, normally they would take a paycut of 50% (arnd 5k or 6k), sometimes even more. By being a DXO, they can work till the statutory retirement age. And again to me, being still able to take home 5k or 6k at mid 40s onwards is already a very good thing, taking note that outside corporations wouldnt wan you.


Actually, to most ppl, to be able to command a salary of 4k/mth or 5k/mth is a very big thing. And to most girls, they would be satisfied and willing to settle down with a guy that could bring home a 4k/mth or 5k/mth salary. I mean this is for normal guys and girls with normal expectations.


The retirement age has been extended to 60 years old for those on MDES scheme. You nees to update your knowledge.



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The retirement age has been extended to 60 years old for those on MDES scheme. You nees to update your knowledge.




also, LTC dun get lump sum of 1m lah... maybe COL has that amount


u know how many LTC are there? throw one stone also can anyhow hit one :D


the rank inflation now means current LTC are equivalent to MAJ last time


LTC probably gets 300-500k

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