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How much is SAF regular's salary?


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Okay okay... We wait for ur new.



I google my poly classmate name, now he Major(2) liao. [laugh]



Change again ah... I though pp2 is machiam perm staff Liao only retire at 55 years old unless u resign.


Officer is Saver scheme leh. The old farmer, I think was Full CPF scheme. Then before that was Pension scheme.


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If u watched Ah Boys to Men, that Lobang guy, he was his men. He told us, he exactly the same pattern as in the movie. No need to act one, cos that is him. Always asking for off days/nites off. [laugh]

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😂😂😂 I just want to answer u cannot meh??



Of course can [laugh] [laugh] Then how much you earn? :D

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Less then u.😂😂


Cannot be less than me lah. I sometimes can go a month or two with negative earnings [:(]

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MHA HUS Scheme, graduate at age 25, farmer, CPT(2), male, 31-34yrs old, local deg with 2nd Lower or 3rd Class Honours.... will be earning $6-$7K SGD per mth. This is inclusive of the mobile allowance which is only $20. Typically, no other allowances for those desk-bound positions (2nd or 3rd postings etc) in HQ, Divisions or Academy.


A MAJ(2), 1st Class or 2nd Upper, farmer, 35yrs old, $7.7K SGD thereabout. Same, $20 mobile allowance due to desk-bound positions.


Hence, in MINDEF, it should be about 10-15% more than HUS counterparts. Furthermore, there could be several other allowances for the MINDEF uniformed officers.


Hope these help.

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Neutral Newbie

So is take pay cut to join politics or pay rise?


Pay rise 2 to 3 times overall...BG full time earns roughly close to a MP which is part time allowance.


When they select BG will promote to minister of state which is super super scale.


The amount of pay BG Tan and MG chan increase is much much more as they become full minister.

Edited by houstonko
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Neutral Newbie

Ya I am thinking. Actually it is not 100% true that go private sector sure earn more then being in the regular SAF holding LTC, COl and above.


How many companies can afford to pay 50k 60k per month to hire them? Plus top few position are very limited. It is only those that is in LTA, Temasek, PUB, and those related to government agencies that accept them in.


Other big companies like SIA I remember did hire 1 BG in but screw big time, quite long time ago. Plus a few other companies that hire them in. Other then that where got such thing that once they retire from SAF, parachute to top few position in many big companies ?



Thats true...


Once rise to BG better than private sector but they are scholars can choose to walk their path in mnc to earn more. Same as farmers can choose their path in mnc to earn more than CPT 5k pay.


Given a choice performers do not want to stay inside army. Its easy way to make money for slackers without KPI.

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Neutral Newbie


Have lah.


All the smaller navy vessel CO are Major rank and above. One time in the early 2000s, when pay slip was in those carbon-copy tear off envelope. We shine a torch and saw our CO is earning $10k+. But he is a farmer lah, in the early 40s liao, holding a Major rank.


Vessel CO and pilots run their own scale..


Maj easily 10k.



But still, if army is so good like double of private sector pay, everyone would have joined. When u are seeing in 30s to 40s there are many local degree holders making less than 5k in their executive engineer rank.

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Neutral Newbie

Huh so low meh?is it becos, food lodging, medical and clothes provided?

just to be realistic.


Depend on tax payers money cannot be a lot higher than private sector who rely on profits. Enter as fresh grad 30% more and gradually same batch ppl overtake as they clock experience in private sector.

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Vessel CO and pilots run their own scale..


Maj easily 10k.



But still, if army is so good like double of private sector pay, everyone would have joined. When u are seeing in 30s to 40s there are many local degree holders making less than 5k in their executive engineer rank.

Even if the pay is doubled, I also won't join. The regimental culture is not for everyone and you have little market value once you are out of the uniform.

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Pay rise 2 to 3 times overall...BG full time earns roughly close to a MP which is part time allowance.


When they select BG will promote to minister of state which is super super scale.


The amount of pay BG Tan and MG chan increase is much much more as they become full minister.

BG only close to MP !!!!!!!

Wah piang!!!!


Sure or not???

MP is less than $20k leh.....

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BG only close to MP !!!!!!!

Wah piang!!!!


Sure or not???

MP is less than $20k leh.....


BG at least half a million a year, probably more?

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BG only close to MP !!!!!!!

Wah piang!!!!


Sure or not???

MP is less than $20k leh.....

I don't think BG so low la. Some COL already hit $20k.

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