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How much is SAF regular's salary?


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Neutral Newbie
a major ranked fighter pilot can hit 10k liao nowadays but these figures are all nothing to shout about coz personal cpf contribution is 15% nia compared to 20% outside in the civilian life. artificially inflate ur high take home pay.


Actually the 5% diff. is given back to them!!!

Do some research, you will know.

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Neutral Newbie

if you end the contract...if you finished 24yrs contract, you get the investment account otherwise none.


dunn need research, i was once..

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Neutral Newbie

Good [thumbsup], We have a Regular here in the forum!!!

Mind telling us you retire as a MAJ or LTC?

Must have collect lots of money after you have retired!!!

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Neutral Newbie

nope me still young [laugh][laugh]

depending on your last appointment and rank...


a ltc retired pilot collects about slightly more than half a mil

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Neutral Newbie

kns, must make me dig out the contract and advice u issit.. [smash]


yes, regulars are machiam contract staff liao nowadays...garment not stupid to feed lazy fellows okie.. [sly]

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Neutral Newbie

never -ve on regulars leh.. its more on the scheme

torture? no lar, its training to be a better man


i am both, wose during NS and Offr while on contract [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

How can be both WOSE and Offr [dizzy]

From your statement, I think you mean working as a defence executive (considered officer equivalent) in MINDEF/SAF. During your NS Days, you're a WOSE. [scholar]

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Neutral Newbie

major - 5k-8k

ltc - 7k-10k

colonel 10-15k


BG and above - easily 20-25k

chief of defence with 3 star easily 35k and above


no need to envy them. they have to retire at 45 yr.


unless u are holding colonel rank or above - then u can probably switch to civil service otherwise out u go.


for most scholar it is easy to reach major rank by 2nd contract i.e when they are 30 yr old and if all go well by 35YR can reach ltc but from ltc to colonel is a very long process and really depend how well u lick.


theseday the astep is different from the past i.e. 10-15yrs ago CO are mainly major rank but these day most if not all CO of a unit are LTC.

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nowadays the cars the regulars drive are damn high end.....simi hyundai??? laugh.gif

went back for ICT some mths back...WRXs, Harrier, Conti....doing real well sia sweatdrop.gif


Investment also mah... The last few years, any how throw darts also the share can go up. [pirate]

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Neutral Newbie

Ok, I learn something about Regular today.


So the officer that you're talking about is it a "commissioned" officer, given a sword?

Edited by Redwood
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U been selected to become a pilot after sispec or offered a conversion? My batch 33/98 got a CDO 1st sgt convert to officer. My poly friend is slightly over weight and was throw into sispec but after sispec, he slim down then kana pull back to become pilot coz he already got private pilot licence.

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BG and above - easily 20-25k

chief of defence with 3 star easily 35k and above


according to what i heard from my (reliable) sources, these figures are very conservative... even some 5 years ago.


factor in inflation, i can't even imagine what they are getting now! [sweatdrop]

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i cant and wont reveal the vocation but my friend's boss a col who is of a certain quality earns abt 28k a mth. his DY a lt-col around 23k a mth.

Edited by Robo
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