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Fined $200 for nap on Park Bench !!


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side-track a bit.


Last Saturday (11Oct) around 1pm at Tras Street, saw a White Nissan Sunny (Veh no 217) wheel-clamp by the URA car park division. (a notice is pasted onto the windscreen)


Park at double yellow line and beside the fire hydrant.


Didnt know URA also wheelclamp vehicle instead of issuing the summon.


This is the first time i saw such incident.

Edited by Mcf777
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Parks were not built for us peasants.


They were meant for the elite in the first place!


Might as well place gantries to prevent us peasants from entering!

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I am very sure there is more than meet its eyes, i read news reports with a pinch of salt.


I think is more of telling you, from now on dun sleep on bench

One moment these people say do not trust the paper, next they bounce1.gifbounce2.gif over a certain report in the same paper.

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Neutral Newbie
side-track a bit.


Last Saturday (11Oct) around 1pm at Tras Street, saw a White Nissan Sunny (Veh no 217) wheel-clamp by the URA car park division. (a notice is pasted onto the windscreen)


Park at double yellow line and beside the fire hydrant.


Didnt know URA also wheelclamp vehicle instead of issuing the summon.


This is the first time i saw such incident.


that should be a wheel-clamped zone..but why must wheel-clamped? unless URA needs $$$ desperately.

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Wah lioa!! Like that go botanic garden have picnic on grass patch will get fine for killing the grass or something like that or not?

Scarly, picnic can but if doze off, kanna $200 fine!! [furious][furious]


It's a FINE city [flowerface][flowerface] !!!

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OMG... this is absolutely absurd!!! The NPark rangers are idiots who dun apply discretion in carrying out their duties. I mean cant they advise the man or at the maximum issue a warning? Why must summon? $ dun come easy. And the easy way out for the 2 NPark rangers is to simply issue summon and wtf to say that he can appeal? WHAT???? If they think he has grounds to appeal, then they should NOT have summon him in the 1st place!!


Its like TP stopped you for speeding offence, issue summon and say you can appeal. Kaoz! Appeal what? Can appeal then dun issue summon lah!


There are more nuisance fellas abusing the parks. Like people smoking, drinking beer and making merry (some even making love), littering, vandalising the tables & chairs, and to some extend, even those who decided to camp there longterm although I must agree these people have a different set of problems and should be handled differently.


What is this country's governing bodies doing???? Im so unimpressed with NParks among other agencies.

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Next time u cant even fart in public. NEA staff will hold a heat seeker and once detected hot gas coming from your @rse they will pounce on you and slap you with a summon for polluting the air. [thumbsdown]

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Ya lah ... this type of minor thing also want to fine straightaway ..... somemore its $200 !!!


and where the hell they derive this $200 from ?? even run redlight also $200 ... same degree of seriousness ? anyhow plucked out from the sky .... and also from what they say, the list is non-exhausive ... means can suka suka say give ticket for killing a grass blade ??





That's the trouble with gharmen depts nowadays. Suka suka make rules. Maybe their boss told them to b "pro-active", so they sit down & think of ways to screw pple up.


Really now got many highly educated pple with no brains running gharmen. [thumbsdown]

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[whip][whip][whip] whip them to wake up their ideas [:p]



Yes. The P8P got a very powerful "whip". [sly]


But they only use to their advantage. Never to their disadvantage. [lipsrsealed]

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When you keep wearing white all day, you would sooner or later think to yourself that whatever you do, would be correct. You cannot imagine yourself to be anything but whiter than white itself.


When there is nobody to point out that there is a stain at the back, you would think that your clothes are perfect and wrinkle free. When that happens long enough, you would start to think that it would be impossible for your clothes to ever get dirty.


Then, when someone else wears white, you would think, it is impossible that someone else can ever be whiter than you. Than some one else can be even more perfect than you and you rid the white glare from your eyes.


It is then that a white hood awaits the rope around the neck. [rifle]

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wow, continue at these pace, NPark will be a profit organisation... Maybe the business is so good that they can contract cisco-security to do the dirty job...



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