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Attention all speedster


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If want to clear carbon you can always do so up north; what rubbish clear carbon in SG. Theres just to many start-stop situations.

Edited by Nullifi3d
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'As a new rider, I have been tailgated by faster cars, which were definitely travelling above the speed limit. They have no respect for riders like me,' he said. 'More speed cameras will only deter speedsters.'


is he road hogging?


i've seen some ah peks on scooter, riding on 1st lane at 70~80kmh on PIE..machiam he owns the road..this is worse than cars hogging 1st lane at 90kmh..


also, as a bike rider, please be aware of your surrounding too..don't expect everyone to look out for you..be pro-active for your own safety too..


Unless when i'm on the left most lane, riders who are aware of their surrounding will automatically move left when they spot me approaching on their rear view mirror..for those who didn't spot me, i'll stay 1-1.5 car length behind them..more often than not, they'll filter left and let me pass..

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i kena the hougang ave 3 twice already. Also early morning on sundays, usually 9am plus.


Im driving at 77km/h. Kena warning only.. lucky.. these days dont dare liao.. guai guai 60+..

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