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Crude Oil falls down to US$78.61 !!


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wah damn...the moment markets opens in US, it's falls downwards...


at current...it's hit US$78.61 per barrel and believe more to drop... [nod]


hope local cartel will be adjusting the price soon !



up up down down..... just a game by the power traders... who earn/lose big bucks playing this game


we are just suckers who lan lan take what we are given..

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Neutral Newbie
wah damn...the moment markets opens in US, it's falls downwards...


at current...it's hit US$78.61 per barrel and believe more to drop... [nod]


hope local cartel will be adjusting the price soon !


Sorry to inform u that local cartels work 9-5pm ( Monday - Friday ). The earliest they will revise is Monday.


I expect a further 6-10 cent drop. Malaysia pump price is slated to drop too in a couple of weeks time by another whopping 20-40 sen per lire. Now RM 2.55.

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ELECTRICITY bills for Singapore households will go up by about 21 per cent from Wednesday - the highest one-time increase in seven to eight years - due to higher oil prices.

With this latest tariff revision, families living in one- to three-room Housing Board flats will see their utilities bills for this year rising from $90 to $223, said the Energy Market Authority (EMA), which regulates the electricity and gas industry here on Monday.

But the government rebates of $310 to $330 will more than cover the increases for these homes.

Those living in larger homes will face higher monthly bill ranging from $316 to $433.

The government rebates for these households range from $130 to $295, hardly enough to cover the increase for half of these homes.

Chief executive of EMA Mr Khoo Chin Hean, said at a press briefing on Monday that the higher tariffs have been due to the increase in oil prices.

EMA said the projected fuel oil price for the next three months is set to jump to $155.14 a barrel, up 38 per cent from $112.35 for the current quarter.

Fuel costs make up about 60 per cent of electricity tariffs, which are reviewed quarterly and adjusted according to changes in the cost of electricity.

The other 40 per cent includes the cost of generating electricity, maintenance and equipment.

Since 2004, electricity tariffs here have been pegged to projected oil prices for the next three months instead of current oil prices.

Mr Khoo said the old practice made the cost of electricity very volatile. For households, the new tariff will be about 30 cents per kiloWatt-Hour, up from about 25 cents.

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taxi companies should remove the $0.30 diesel surcharge now. if they do not remove, it means they are out to make commuters suffer. so many taxi companies in singapore, yet taxis still so expensive. where is the so called competition?

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Someone from EMA and the PUB should get shot by the people.

Predict USD$150 and EMA approves it immediately. Now the oil price is below USD$80 liao.

Moreover, they pocketed so much of money for the next 3 months.

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bonus only??? they want more than that, trust me........ my ceo ask us to tighten belt, even cancel the budget for an events's breakfast which cost a few hundreds only recently but "he and ALL his executives gang" went watch F1 (company paid for it...knn..).... the most expensive ticket type somemore ...... which ceo is really work for the company u tell me? they only work for themselves, after enough of leeching, they will F-off and leave the company to sink....... [lipsrsealed]

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one thing that puzzle most ppl.


Rice/ gocery price all affected and rose becoz of petrol price rose. but now petrol price dropped.... why gocery price still on the rise?


next electric n our tanks of cooking gas also depend on crude oil. same thing. why no revised?


EASY upx but hard to come down. KAOZ


Who would complain about earning more $? As usual...when things go up, its hard to come down. [laugh]

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