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Am I too sensitive?


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it just a casual remark to the TS and i do not know it will catch attention of mod. should my remark causing any unhapiness among the MCF-er, my apologise.

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Nah, they don't bother to keep me as a customer, why should i bother to beg them for discount??

But they did called me after i cancelled their service.. Offered me "valued-for-money" plan and free gifts..

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Thanks for your impartial comments


it is truely enlightening to see and read such comments, I guess you may call it hitting on the nail


This thread was posted in Lite & Ez and therefore encompasses many daily issue topics less of course political sensitive comments which we all understand and respect as this is the rule of the corum


strange it may seem that some members seem to want to "profit" to be first to guess if member x is actually member Y in recarnation


what purpose does it contribute


isnt it considered drifting from the topic


anyway there are hundreds of members here some may be our prime minister surfering under various pseudo name



it saddened me very much that some good contributors have left this forum and one of them is Apollo, I truly do not know what he or she has done for him to leave


there are few members that spend their time in almost all thread contributing nothing but just creating suspicious and rubbing salt into wounds


some of these members are pretty obvious and some of us many choose to ignore them as they may choose to ignore others



as to this thread


it really puzzles me that the relevant authorities are not focusing right



when the food prices were going up like rice which is not within the control of the government (eg thai rice ) we were advice or encouraged to buy house brand


I have been buying house brand bread for sometime now because it can save my family at least a dollar and so on



but telecommunication is part of necessity


if you increased the cost, what if families cannot afford and give up their only means to contact the emergency services such as ambulances



also HBD or the government has to look into this issue


my flat has 3 toilets and I tore dont one because I dont need so many toilets but I am still charge for as if I have 3 toilets despite my updating the relevant agency.



so many things that is milking me of my hard earn money


I am not poor but why should I be paying for so many things that are unnecessary



i hope you do understand why I have difficulty sleeping ... metaphorically speaking



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To answer your question, read that Starhub offering FREE home digital voice thing to counter Singtel price hike.. But alas, I don't think Starhub Copper wire is going to be as clear as Singtel's line..


As for power, I don't have any answer..


Hope that help you to sleep better..

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dude, regarding the toilets, i had similar experience.


REported accordingly and they sent their officer to varify.

Afterwhich, my bill was adjusted and charged on 2 toilets instead of 3.


I think gotta press them a bit.

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To answer your question, read that Starhub offering FREE home digital voice thing to counter Singtel price hike.. But alas, I don't think Starhub Copper wire is going to be as clear as Singtel's line..


It's just a phone, don't think theres a need for high quality audio (like hifi). We're using Starhub digital line for about 2 yrs now, FOC. The audio quality is clear enough to not to miss the old singtel line..

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Neutral Newbie

Circle this day - the day you feel you've been let down - in your diary.


Come election day, refer to this very page and vote accordingly.


Please don't forget.


Politicians everywhere are astute at making the simple-minded forget. They barely deliver in times where their seat of power isn't immediately dependent on you. But they'll dangle little carrots when they need your vote.


Remember. Don't forget.


Cos if you forget, guess what's gonna happen again right after the elections?


Your vote matters.

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Neutral Newbie
Yes, we can check IP. And we do have a log of it.


To you, there is only a few moderator. To the mods, there are thousands of users we are facing... Therefore, our attention are more on trouble-maker/flamers.


Hey ask you ah, do you get paid? Is this a full-time job? Are you a co-owner of MCF, and hence are entitled to a portion of the advertising revenue? Or are you a hired employee?


I think it's pretty interesting for MCF forummers to know. It's not like we're asking for exact revenue figures which is rightfully private corporate information.


But perhaps a behind-the-scenes look at how one of our favourite forums work? [:)]

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Neutral Newbie

Hey brother, just wanna say your Engrish damn terok leh.


And what's with you and the excessive white space? hur?


I feel for the things you say, but the way you (try) to make your point makes it very hard for me (and I'm sure likewise for many others) to decipher.


I gotta do so many double-takes then I go, "Orh... That's what he meant."


Again, less white space. Keep on posting!

Edited by Spas
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so sorry bro


understood and will change


never past beyond PSLE leh, so have to work hard for money


hope you understand


thanks again

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Good day mate,


Thank you for your special interest. This have been mentioned many many times over the years.


All the mods started off in the forum just like u, a MCFer.


And none of the mods are neither emoloyee nor the co-owner of MCF. We are just another average joe/jane volunteering part of our time to help to monitor the forum. However, whatever decisions made are supported by the owners themselves as we do update them periodically.


The forum were started by 3 individuals and they have been funding it.

It is until recent year where we start to have merchants coming in and based on my understanding, the owners don't really depends on the funds generated from the merchants to keep the forum running..


The mods don't know and don't care about how much does the forum make (if there is even any profit at all), and even the MCF banner at Bishan is being sponsored by a fellow MCFer (E230) However, we do know that we are one of the biggest car forum with the highest unique hits in Singapore.


I hope this have cleared your doubts.

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