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Pictures from F1 Pit Grandstand


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Feel so inadequate with my friend's DSLR as the focusing and speed still far from mine. But still got to thank him for borrowing his camera as mine still in hospital :(








Edited by Kwchan
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I was at the right place, at the right time. Witnessed 3 drivers lost control, 1 of them didn't manage to recover and ram into the barrier




He was just spinning towards me (and glad that the camera auto focus still can catch up) and it was so close before hitting the fence






Edited by Kwchan
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Very nice!! The one with the Toyota spin will be "valuable" as that is the first spin of any F1 car in the Singapore 1st Grand Prix. (the driver later kena fine for driving against traffic...haha)


Unfortunately, that wasn't the first "crash" as that goes to the Red Bull car, Mark Webber, near the Bay grandstand.

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Getting bored at Pit Stand, so went to turn 1, 2, 3 to take a peek




The brake rotor is glowing red hot!






Another one that cannot brake in time



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Canon 30D with 70-200 f2.8, missed my Canon 1D with 8fps and 45 AF points [:(]


All kinds of settings, depends if i was shooting at the bend or straight. Basically ISO got to push to 1600 and keep shutter speed above 1/500 to freeze motion

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WOW Amazing Pics! I was using my friend SLR but i dun really know how to set, btw i am a beginner. May i know the technique you use to capture the moving car is it panning? Do i have to do slower shutter speed to only focus on the car and "move with the car" and so that the track can be blurred out?

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Amazing shots! Thanks for sharing.


Tried to take videos with a camcorder but could not get good clips. Guess location is important. Was at the Padang grandstand and the cars were accelerating too fast to catch.

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