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Does studying in elite school makes you different?


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So their parents can speak louder at gatherings?


Actually doesn't matter which school you study at, the more important is the upbring...

Edited by Typhoonz
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Say for example..usu i pray in neighbourhood mosques,those normal school kids will be running around,playing a fool etc..


Dat time I go to this mosque in braddel beside muis..was having a meal.Then a group of RI malay kids was like having an intense discussion...skali i see,they discussing about a complex math problem,then another group was talking about what they learn earlier..


wah lau..really impressed..malay got hope.. [sweatdrop]

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i think it is the mindset of the parents but sometimes it is hard not to get yr mindset influenced by the majority who hv the mindset that they are "dia sai" just bcos they hv the connections/wealth & standg to put their kids to elite school.


i only know there's 2 girls elite school where parents want to send their daughters to be either future socialitie or future bizwomen.


personally, i find our education system flawed & doesn't prepare our kids for the world outside S'pore. if a kid fm a neighbourhood school can complain & cannot adapt to other countries's culture etc i hv doubts a kid fm elite will find it easier.

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personally, i believe in the herd theory where most will try to finish at ending line together. Hence overall, they should get better results in majority.


Other than that, i'm concern is the friends they made and the influence on them.

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I'm wondering what kind of effect will studying in elite schools make a person different (or not). Any opinion?


Often times it is in the perception. So a person who has an elite school name in his CV does get more opportunities in the real world. It is very much like branding, easier to sell a Sony or a Honda rather than a lesser-heard of brand.


No right or wrong, just the reality.

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Last time I was in a semi-elite school. Their yearly ranking is within top 20 one. I entered the school feeling rather proud but left feeling very bitter.


I felt bitter because the principal's sole interest was improving her school rankings. My HoD even had the nerve to tell me not to resit my CL2 because I will bring down the school standard.


I have revisted my primary school and poly several times but till this day, I have yet to revisit my secondary school. But thinking back, maybe my sec sch experience was also quite useful because I learnt what is elitism, double standards, civil service mentality, dog eat dog ...

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I do agreed with you. It depends on individual attributes. Whether study in elite or neighbourhood school is secondary. So long one is willing to work hard, you can also succeed in life and your careers [nod][nod][nod] Study in elite school does not make you a 'genius...

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I'm wondering what kind of effect will studying in elite schools make a person different (or not). Any opinion?


It will be different definitely in a good way...If you can, or your kids can, always go for the elite schools. The experience/culture there will be an advantage/asset no other institution can deliver...the reward it brings later in life is priceless.


Dun ever be put off by the much higher school fees...If needed, they will help to sponsor (up to 100%) based on parents income bracket. No deserving student will be denied an education there because of financial reasons. [sunny]

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if your parents are alma mater, then confirm kids are elites.

if parents are not, then kids may be looked down by peers even if they got in by own merit.


effect is greater on former and symptoms include big head, narrow vision, nostril holes on forehead. fake american accent is optional.

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yes might hv the headstart over others in SINGAPORE but not the real world.


SINGAPORE is just a little island. go and check around why our investments in other countries failed. we are just producing a bunch of future followers. generally those fm elite school cannot step out from their comfort zone. can't totally blame them.

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U coined the term "semi-elite"? Is there a classification by MOE based on ranking?




Top 3: creme de la creme


Next 3: elite


Next ...14: semi-elite?


Next ...20: -----?

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personally, i believe in the herd theory where most will try to finish at ending line together. Hence overall, they should get better results in majority.


Other than that, i'm concern is the friends they made and the influence on them.


like some mentioned, the mindset of both parents and kids must be able to balance. many a time parents were trying to compare and compete, both kids & parents kenna pressure until someone will collapse/burnout, not necessary the kids [laugh]


The good thing out of it (if they can balance!) is the system to ensure everyone cathc up and 'try' to finish together at the end, so the pushing and motivating is good if can take it lightly!

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yes, because kids respond most to peer pressure, and generally kids at elite school are better academically and more competitive.


of course, in an elite school, there are likely to be more rich kids, and if you are not too well-off, your kids may feel negative peer pressure or become inferior. that's something that you should try to manage, and should not be the reason for not sending your kids to a good school if his results qualify.


i think overall, one should just go to the best school one can qualify.

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