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Anyone drank Yili Milk?


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First it was the Luncheon meat tainted, then it was the Marttel toy lead paint.



Already, 18 people have been arrested in relation to the scandal, six of whom allegedly sold melamine, while the other 12 were suppliers accused of adding the chemical to milk.


The concerns have since spread to neighboring Hong Kong, where milk, yogurt, ice cream and other products made by Yili Industrial Group Co. have been recalled after melamine was found in eight of 30 sample products tested by regulators.


Anyone drank Yili Milk? which is available in SG? [hur]



Now it is the Sanlu milk containing Melamine:

Melamine is a chemical that can be derived from coal and is about 66 percent nitrogen. It is combined with other chemicals to produce plastics. It is found in fertilizer, flame retardant clothing, countertops, dyes, glues and many other household items. When added to milk, it gives the appearance of higher protein levels, even though it contains no nutrients. Most protein tests take nitrogen levels, so melamine's chemical structure is able to fool the instruments. Some dairies water down their milk, and melamine boosts protein readouts to mask the result.


Q. How does melamine harm those who ingest it?


A. Melamine is blamed for causing kidney stones leading to renal failure among infants. U.S. scientists last year hypothesized that it combined with another chemical, cyanuric acid, to cause kidney failure in cats and dogs in North America who ate pet food made from imported Chinese ingredients.

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I think if i'm not wrong Yili also have goat's milk from Mongolia selling at food festival here quite sometime back. My son insisted to buy and luckily nothing happened back then. Now my wife reminded me this incident guess have to really look-up for it for those milk made in china. [sweatdrop]

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when i read the news, i was extremely suprise... how can melamine added into food??? I tot melamine is use to make those plates and chop stick? those thing can increase the protein level in food meh??? [sweatdrop][sweatdrop].

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yah... agree, in china, conscience worth nothing... although Im not from China, but i feel shame to be a chinese now... how can a human do such thing where they know that those are food for the infants/ babies??? [mad][mad][mad][mad]


The only way to deal with these plp is feed them with their own product and the only sentence to them is nothing but skin them alive!!!!

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believe one test for protein level is the amount of nitrogen. Since melanine has high nitro content, during tests, it would appear they have high protein content.


Not a bio scientist here so i may be wrong.

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