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Credit Linked Notes and Minibonds


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i think not many here bot these instruments.....


I also hope so, I heard the redemption value is bad man, better not say more else create panic here. Take it as no choice, nothing can be done now. Else take the remaining money buy AIG shares and wait for a few years, hopefully rebound back to its glorious day. Please no toto or 4D, odds is bad man!

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Neutral Newbie

Well most people will know that AIG will somehow or another need to be save if not impact on financial market is unbelieveble.


Just think that by blattering UBS & CITI will be the next victim on hearsay without facts & figure, just to sound smart in the cyber world is very immature.

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i think you mean blabbering.

Is english really that difficult?



oh, unless you are alluding to FIFA president's Sepp Blatter's tendency to blab, then i respect.

Edited by Chongster
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The credit swap's market is US$60 trillion and nobody really knows what they are worth cos of multilayered collateral guarantees which may be worth as much as Lehman stocks now.

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Hmmm it's pretend money [laugh] .


The Gurus of Wall Street created exquisite debt instruments which they happily swap between each other based on undertakings/guarantees to increase their illusional profits year after year. Hell they even insured these instruments against defaults and the Underwriter AIG made billions for insuring something which they never had to pay for, until the pyramid crumbled.


Afterall are not the CEO's being paid millions upon millions by showing fantastic profits over the years? Even Temasik was led to believe these profits are real hence they purchased the stocks in UBS, ML, but in fact it was a case of musical chairs or a sort of legitimate multi-level marketing. The last person holding the baby is the sucker! Its not the CEO's or the gurus that created these instruments who have to pay, they are "retired" & sipping their pinacoladas in Cancun.

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Neutral Newbie

Well There goes your Hearsay speculation substance Talk trying to be smart in Internet.


guess your so-call Morgan Stanley strong financial standing is in trouble all over News today.


Please if got no facts dun try act smart or tough hidding behind your PC finger exercise

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wah, random capital letters! does that mean you are angry, worked up and upset? stay cool man, you need it to navigate this market.


oh, it's "on the internet" not "in internet".

and i do think you own the copyright to "Hearsay speculation substance Talk" and "PC finger exercise". Thanks for your contribution to the English language.

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