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Routine very siong, can use machine?


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Got 11-mth old pearl white Civic. Like most, did following routine weekly, but as time goes on, it is becoming fortnightly.


1. Wash (and clay once a blue moon)

2. AIO (Jeffs Werkstatt)

3. Sealant (Jeffs Werkstatt)

(My aim is not to shine (hence didn't do wax LSP), but for water beading, protection, smooth. If got shine, it is just a by-product.)


Always, this is a more than 3-hr job. By the time step #2 is done, my back is already breaking. End of the day, the result is satisfying, but the cost (time n effort) is on the high side. (read SIONG!)


Being 11-mth old, I've minimal swirls marks, etc. and in my mind, machine polisher, etc is for removing swirls marks and other heavy-duty wax job.


Where I'm coming from, it's to reduce my manual labor in the weekly wash/clean/sealant routine. I am thinking, can I invest in some polisher/buffer machine, or something (sorry maybe wrong technical term but I'm noob in this area) to reduce some of the "eat-strength" work?


There is a thread discussing AC (220V) polisher but can someone put it in some kind of layman's start-up guide from pure manual labor?

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Neutral Newbie

Hi bro Ilmw, when you mentioned fortnightly, do you mean you do all the 3 steps every time?


Personally I will suggest that you only need to do claying and step 2 every 3-4 months once, but having a white car, you might need to do spot cleaning whenever you have those tough stains. If you are applying JW sealant on a bi-weekly basis than I am very sure you will have the water beading, protection, smooth surface and also the shine as well [nod] .


Using a DA machine to apply JW Prime will definately reduce a lot of elbow grease, you can look into the Bosch Gex270AE for this purpose. A very basic DA machine that works very well for paint cleaner application.


I always like to refer fellow members to this thread in Meguiar web site for those who want to learn how to handle a DA machine, hope the link is helpful to you [;)] .



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I always think that machine polishing is more 'siong' than using elbow grease. Normally we use either DA for light defects like swirls or rotary for more hardcore stains like water marks. The process for defect removal can take up to few days, depending on the condition. If you prefer something that saves strength and not for defect removal, you can try those black and decker buffing machine which cost around $60. If you really wan to go further into machine, for a starter get a porter cable around $300 plus, you'll need a polishing pad x 2, LSP pad x 2 and maybe a compounding pad x 2 around $20 each. ALSO you'll need polish and compound products specifically for machine use.


So for a start you gotta fork up at least $500. But once you start this regime, you can't stop!

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Polisher doesnt mean less work..in fact, more hard work than using hand.


You got to factor in the vibration if u are using orbitor and/or the weight of the polisher when u are holding it vertically.


I have gone thru this phase of going from hand to machine and back to hand.


The good thing about using hand is that you dont have so much things to clear after polishing.

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A normal wash (JW or 3M) every 2-weeks is only 80% clean. Stains will still be there, even if I take care to specifically clean it during wash. Only AIO will remove.


Even if weekly, normal wash will leave the surface clean, but "dry" and "lackluster". Only after AIO, will it be smooth and with a hint of waxy smooth.


So it is not I want to do AIO every time but necessity. After getting waxy smooth from AIO, sealant is practically zero effort, just spray & wipe.


I have zero trouble getting water beads, even from morning dew. And with MD's DG glass cleaner (and/or my own 3M glass cleaner), water beads on glass flies off @ 70-80km/h. I seldom turn on wipers, even during moderate downpour.

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Yes, i just want to save strength on the AIO part, and not for defect/swirl removal. $60 or so sounds agreeable to my wallet.


Any specs to look out for? Portable battery-powered is ok?


The pads seems crucial. For my purpose, what do i need to get? from where? do i need one type or two, for just applying AIO?

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i've got tis noob's "polisher" fr autobacs for abt $50 [:)]




its running on rechargeable batt so its not as powerful as those pro ones, but good enuff to help me in buffing aft polishing and waxing [;)]


the only issue though is that i dunno if the sponge tat seems so attached to the polisher is detachable and changable...

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that looks like a neat tool. believe the pad should be detachable, else how you going to clean the pad after use? just curious what brand is that? got it a which autobacs



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thumbsup.gif wah is stylo and cute..have you started using??? I suggest start it on some small panel first before proceeding to the restnod.gif...The sponge may not be detachable..i believe the pads is the only ones detachable..
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Neutral Newbie

That's the reason why white car is difficult to maintain, stains can be seen easily and whereas on black car it will not be that obvious.


Luckily you still can get 80% clean with bi-weekly wash, so you will only need to use AIO on that balance 20% area. To achieve that smooth waxy feel you can simply apply another layer of sealant after wash without having to AIO the whole car. Unless you are looking for that silky smooth feel, than you might need to clay the car.

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Neutral Newbie

That looks like a very interesting machine, if the pad is interchangeable than might be good to use for applying liquid wax [nod] .

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Neutral Newbie

Hi bro Limck007, you reply to the wrong person liao [;)] . Got to wait for bro Cloudywind to give us the details on that machine.

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yap [nod] the pads are definitely detachable and washable [nod]

the sponge doesnt look detachable... tats why im thinking now... wat if the sponge gets degraded one fine day... [shakehead]


anyway its really making my buffing much easier... only hope tat i didnt incur any new scratches or swirls ... [sweatdrop]

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that looks like a neat tool. believe the pad should be detachable, else how you going to clean the pad after use? just curious what brand is that? got it a which autobacs




hmm... dunno wat's the brand...

but i HOPE its made in japan cos there's jap words all over the box [:p]


i got it at the bukit batok branch

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