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Tailgaters - how do you react?


Tailgaters - how do you react?  

125 members have voted

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    • Jam brake and let him sh*t his/her pants!
    • Buah Bodoh and drive on
    • Slow down to snail's pace
    • Floor the pedal and let him 'pi yan'
    • Change lane and let him pass

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as long as i keep up to the car infront and they is no way to speed up anymore plus he's really pissing me off i tap brake on hazard light.. [laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh] normally this applies to taxis only..

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but den if there is alot of space and i dont feel like speeding den siam and let him pass lor.. assume that he's rushing for time...

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We should jam brake hard hard to frighten the tailgater, so he wil jam his brake, then everyone jam brake. And traffic flow will drop to 50km/h. Then more gantries will be erected, so less ppl can afford to drive. Then we have less cars to tailgate us.




We overtake the slow pokes, swerve into their lane and push them off the road. then these slow pokes get frighten of driving and either they learn to drive faster or they stop driving. So traffic flow will be fast and smooth. No chance for LTA to put up gantry.


Choose 1. Which will u choose? lol!!

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knn like that very bad leh! scarli he rushing to hospital leh? although i know its not the case many a times but i doesnt hurt to give way... just have some fun, eg. spray water, tap brake on hazard light scare him a bit den let him pass lah!

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Neutral Newbie
if one is on fast lane, it may be better to just let the tailgater pass.


sure, u may suffer bruised ego, but far better than having damaged rear bumper even if can claim. also, the tailgater might be in a hurry.


there's another plus, he may help to "clear traffic" in front [idea]. i love it when aggressive boy racers (i'm boyboy but not boy racer [laugh] ) come up fast from behind, then i try to get out of their way and let them intimidate the cars in front of me. [sly]


honestly, i'd feel worse if someone overtakes me from the left. i rather give way unless in traffic jam, where everyone is hogging/tailgating anyway

what if we add more to this


there are slow trucks on your left, and you are much faster than them.... meaning if you were to filter over, you need to slow down to approx speed of the trucks first or risk slaming into one of their backside. BUT you cannot do this, cause the other fellow is so close to you backside, that if you were to just tap your brakes, he is going to slam into you... how about adding this, you cannot speed up cause there is another few cars infront of you....

what will you do? still slaim to the other lane at current speed and slam into the back of the trucks? oh... its a few trucks, meaning after you slam into the back of one, you risk having the other slam into you as well.


all this only one message



Good to be nice, good to give way.... but don't risk your lives and that of your love ones to do this... and to all speedsters.... if you want others to give way, make sure you allow them to do so safely.

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i got a firend who got hid lights


i asked him how come his white lights not as bright as others


he tell me other white light use with projector lamp


i asked him what is projector lamp


he say machiam torch light got one focal lens on the cover, like magnifying glass



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Allow me to make a sweeping generalised statement.


Driver of more powerful car gets tailgated by smaller car = lup accelerator & cheong forward, play catch me if you can. Conversely, just drive on as if oblivious to surroundings & wait for the car behind to attempt to overtake from the left, then speed up & block his way back into the faster lane.


Driver of less powerful car gets tailgated by bigger car = pretend to be oblivious to surroundings & wait for car behind to overtake from the left, OR, lup accelerator like no tomorrow, only still to be overtaken on the left by bigger car.


OR, and my personal favourite ; Chery A168 tailgate WRX in heavy expressway traffic, WRX oblivious to A168. A168 goes home & proudly tells the whole world that his ride can easily keep up with a WRX with a 1.6litre NA engine. A168 then proceeds to announce that he's a proud member of the OG community. [:p]

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To all out there,


if i am too slow, pls horn and flash me to catch my attention because i really cannot see you if you tailgate, esp if your one is sport car

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I voted too change lane and let them pass.


They are probably in a rush or something.


It does not benefit me if they should hit me in the rear too anyway so I'd just give way.



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If im on first lane..then i'll filter left to let him pass..except when the traffic condition is such that lane 1 and lane 2 same speed..


for other lanes, if in front traffic clear, i'll speed up..if not, i'll follow the traffic slow..


but again, seldom have people tailgating me..because i'm always on the faster side of the traffic..

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Normally will let them pass. What irritates is that their headlight is often too glaring from behind. can be quite dangerous at times which can blind pple vision. TP time for you to catch those illegal HID lights [furious][furious][furious][rifle][rifle][rifle]


that's another reason to let them pass. i do find it irritating too, so i just let them go [flowerface]

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the situation u just mentioned? i will tap on the brakes to warn the tailgater off. but i will also signal left, signalling my intention to give way when the traffic allows.


of course u get unreasonable dumbfarks who will persist.


i do agree with ur conclusion [nod]. of course i dun advocate courteous driving at one's own expense. [;)]

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same here, i seldom get that. pple who tailgate me usually damn aggressive types, which from far i will try to siam liao [sweatdrop]


of course maybe got one or two occasions pple behind me buay song. then really sorry lor [blush][blush]. but usually i dun like to be tailgated, and i will do my part to avoid being tailgated. not just avoid road hogging.


sometimes u are not hogging but the person behind need to lao sai, need to give birth, need to go home PCC. i rather follow them at safe distance than to be stressed by tailgater [flowerface]

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Just like to get a general feel of wat our bros/sis here will react to the a/b mentioned. Assuming you are driving along with the traffic flow, regardless of which lane you're in. [drivingcar]


Maybe I'm more kiasi now, I'll let them pass most of the time. [laugh]


None of the above lei..

I'll use my left foot to step slightly on the brake, light enough just to activate the brake light, and continue cruising.

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Ah, tailgating... something I experience on a daily basis even though I never road hog. Depends on the situation, but I always try to give way if possible; maybe some people are really in a hurry for whatever reason, while some drivers of fast cars may feel frustrated if they are prevented from reaching their car's full potential. Well since I am usually not in a hurry, my car isn't meant to go too fast and I like a leisurely drive I prefer to let them pass. But the roads I take all the time in my daily routine (in Hong Kong) pose a special problem. I travel on a lot of rural or mountain roads out in the New Territories, and these are often narrow, two way roads but with a single lane for each direction. Think South Buona Vista Road, but much, much longer, and often slopy as well. Speed limit is 50km/h, and with good reason. Furthermore, people, cyclists and animals often appear or rush out of nowhere. So I always drive below the limit so I can always be prepared to stop if needed, but most others don't, and because they often cannot overtake, they get impatient, tailgate and someties even flash their high beams instead. [thumbsdown] Thankfully there are lots of specially designated passing places, so often all I need to do is pull into the passing place and then come out again when the road is clear. I never mind doing so, after all it is much better to avoid any unpleasant incidents. But if the passing place isn't so near yet I will usually tap the brakes lightly, just enough to activate brake lights and warn them off a little. Thankfully most of them often tailgate out of habit and back off a little when they see the brake lights.


On HK highways, I never have trouble with tailgaters, mainly because if I'm not sure of the way, tired, or just feel like a relaxing leisurely drive, I keep to the left lane. If I am familiar with the route I enter the rightmost lane and quickly pick up to the speed limit, but always prepared to keep left again if I see any vehicle approaching very fast. Ironically, contrary to HK drivers' impatience on the rural mountain roads, and peoples' impression of HK drivers being reckless and bad, their attitude on the urban roads and highways is much more disciplined; in fact, when I drive at a sustained 100km/h (exactly at the speed limit) on one of my usual routes, on the right lane, I end up overtaking most other vehicles, and this without breaking the speed limit. And of course there are a number of idiots or road bullies on the roads, but the majority are OK. On my recent trip back home, the first time driving in Singapore after some time, I was a little unaccustomed to how daring drivers on expressways and urban roads alike were, switching in and out of lanes, travelling well above the speed limit, slow vehicles entering the rightmost lane and hogging while others overtake on the left; since I was on holiday and not rushing for time I ended up avoiding the expressways at times and taking a longer but more relaxing drive through the urban areas instead. Didn't have much trouble with tailgating in Singapore, though, because firstly I kept left most of the time, and also, I was driving a lorry [laugh]

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But the thing is how do u tell that the someone is in a hurry???


Its always a good practice to give benefit of doubt. Might never know he is in urgent/critical situation. eg: wife want to give birth, rushing family members to hospital etc. It happens to me once in the late night, my wife was in sort of threat to miscarriage, then on PIE, bump into road hoggers! Damn! [rifle]

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