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Tailgaters - how do you react?


Tailgaters - how do you react?  

125 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • Jam brake and let him sh*t his/her pants!
    • Buah Bodoh and drive on
    • Slow down to snail's pace
    • Floor the pedal and let him 'pi yan'
    • Change lane and let him pass

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Any suggestions? Don't overtake, don't tailgate, don't high beam.


Then what? Move to lane 2 and drive normally like the rest of the cars who are traveling faster than road hoggers in lane 1.

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Just like to get a general feel of wat our bros/sis here will react to the a/b mentioned. Assuming you are driving along with the traffic flow, regardless of which lane you're in. drivingcar.gif


Maybe I'm more kiasi now, I'll let them pass most of the time. laugh.gif



wat i do is...i speed up suddenly.... then jam my brakes...this will work wonders..... n have his bollas up his neck

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if i'm in a faster lane, i'll change lane to give way, so i won't be road hogging.


if it's a tailgater on purpose, i'll just turn on my hazards and let go of my accelerator. most of the time they'll give up and change lanes. [hur]

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..you should give way at whatever speed you're driving as long as the vehicle behind you is faster..that's the basic courtesy of driving..


you try that stunt on NSH and see how their pickups/SUVs pwn you.. [rolleyes]

Edited by Shull
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I don't road hog so if I can't keep up with the front car, I just let them overtake. But if in situations where I'm being tailgated even though there's no way to speed up, I just ignore them.

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actually depends on mood.. if 100km/h still tailgate, will slow down to 90+. lane 2 got car so he/she can't change lane... see wat type of driver lahz..

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Just like to get a general feel of wat our bros/sis here will react to the a/b mentioned. Assuming you are driving along with the traffic flow, regardless of which lane you're in. [drivingcar]


Maybe I'm more kiasi now, I'll let them pass most of the time. [laugh]


as long as you not road hogging, just dun care lor.. they can bang me if the wantt

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Just like to get a general feel of wat our bros/sis here will react to the a/b mentioned. Assuming you are driving along with the traffic flow, regardless of which lane you're in. [drivingcar]


Maybe I'm more kiasi now, I'll let them pass most of the time. [laugh]


I usally hit the brakes when the guy at the back tail gate me, but these days, I'll juz switch lanes for the following reasons...


1. its juz not worth it.

2. 2 wrongs dun make a right.

3. let others do the dirty job of teaching him a lesson.

4. my family matters most.

5. maybe my testosterone level drop [laugh]


My personal opinion is, juz look away. There are more important things in life than letting these things get to you. [nod]

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thats not e right way to do it.... [shakehead]


Yesterday a lotus was tailgating me and as I was already considering a new bumper (mine has a lot scratches now and repair will be expensive), i purposely slow down hoping he will take the bait. Because once he is slow and I slam brakes, the damage will only be on the bumper or maybe the boot as well.


He took the bait and just when I was about to slam brakes, I checked his speed and distance once more. Then I realised his bloody lotus is freaking low which means if I slam brakes, he could probably go below my bumper! I want a new bumper but not at a risk of killing him. So decide to abort plan. Too bad [:/]

Edited by Starry
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right thing to do...let them pass lor


obviously many don agree wif our sentiments. Most prefer slow down,slam brake...etc. [:/] is giving way to faster vehicle so difficult [hur]

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Just like to get a general feel of wat our bros/sis here will react to the a/b mentioned. Assuming you are driving along with the traffic flow, regardless of which lane you're in. drivingcar.gif


Maybe I'm more kiasi now, I'll let them pass most of the time. laugh.gif


i react according to mood and situations.laugh.gif

sometimes do nothing and act blur.

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