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Would you lend someone else your cash card?


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Neutral Newbie

2 nights ago. I was coming down from Simei MSCP. Saw this long queue of cars in front. Waited for a few minutes and the queue didn't move. Went to the first car in the queue that was stuck before the car park gantry. Found out from the lady in the car that their cash card couldn't be used. Her mum was trying to borrow from other drivers but no one budged. I passed them mine and they managed to get out immediately. And the parking fee was only 45 cts.


I'm just puzzled why would the few drivers immediately behind this car preferred to get stuck than taking the risk of lending the cash card.


What would you do?

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true.. like those hookers.. wearing low V and bending over and asking "Sir, do you have a cash card to insert into my reader, so i can cum out of the carpark?"

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how cum can work this way...i tot when u enter, the card reader read your very own unit/card...when coming out it will let you pass thru, base on the duration that they have recorded in the reader unit, but in this case after you loan it to the other car and they pass thru( supposed to be your car)...how do u go thru becoz there is no previous record that you have come in, in the 1st place....puzzzledconfused.gif

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Just from experience. [:p] I believe most carparks nowadays use this method of taking down the IU number. That's why when I entered most carparks with no cashcard in the IU, the barrier still will lift up for me to enter.


But of coz there are some carparks where you still have to manually insert your cashcard into the reader, then those you must use back the same cashcard.

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how cum can work this way...i tot when u enter, the card reader read your very own unit/card...when coming out it will let you pass thru, base on the duration that they have recorded in the reader unit, but in this case after you loan it to the other car and they pass thru( supposed to be your car)...how do u go thru becoz there is no previous record that you have come in, in the 1st place....puzzzledconfused.gif


the reader reads the IU not the cashcard.

example,if you enter without a cashcard insert,the barrier will still open.and if you leave during grace period without cashcard insert,it will still open for you.nod.gif

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Can I assumed that you don't parked there often and you do not know the driver of this car. I was thinking - why the car/s behind did not want to lend them to exit - cos they know this driver.

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