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DPM Wong Kan Seng says mistakes must be addressed


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SINGAPORE: Officers from Singapore's Home Team are reminded that mistakes must be addressed and not swept under the carpet.


Speaking at his Ministry's National Day observance ceremony on Thursday, Deputy Prime Minister and Home Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng said officers must take ownership and account for their mistakes.


His call came in the wake of incidents involving the Home Affairs Ministry which have brought about public scrutiny. These include the escape of Jemaah Islamiyah leader, Mas Selamat Kastari, from Whitley Road Detention Centre earlier this year.


Mr Wong said: "Some of you may be concerned that you would be penalised harshly if you make a mistake, so much so that your focus is on avoiding mistakes, rather than in making positive arrests and detections. I do appreciate and understand your concerns. Let me assure all Home Team officers that we will always observe the need for pragmatic balance in all that we do.


"But I also assure you that how the officers responsible will be taken to task will always be fair and just. Commanders will ultimately be liable and assessed on the quality of their leadership as reflected in the performance of their officers, as well as the manner in which they address problems and adversity."


On a separate note, several public-spirited citizens were commended on Thursday for their role in preventing crime.


Mr Wong said there was a marginal one per cent increase in crime cases for the first half of the year. Housebreaking and related crimes dipped by 22 per cent this year, compared to the same period in 2007.


"While fire calls have increased fractionally, the number of fires within residential premises fell. Fires involving household contents and unattended cooking fell by 23 per cent and 3 per cent respectively.


"Civil Defence Force's preventive education efforts, together with the National Fire and Emergency Preparedness Council and its community partners, seem to have paid off. Equally encouraging is the 11 per cent fall in fires involving non-residential buildings, including commercial and industrial premises," he said.


The drug abuse situation in Singapore has also seen an improvement. But Mr Wong said the Central Narcotics Bureau needs to keep an eye on inhalant abuse, especially among the youths in school

Edited by Damienic
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Neutral Newbie

"DPM Wong Kan Seng says mistakes must be addressed "..


so why is he still there? The mistake still there what..

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SINGAPORE: Officers from Singapore's Home Team are reminded that mistakes must be addressed and not swept under the carpet.


Speaking at his Ministry's National Day observance ceremony on Thursday, Deputy Prime Minister and Home Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng said officers must take ownership and account for their mistakes.


His call came in the wake of incidents involving the Home Affairs Ministry which have brought about public scrutiny. These include the escape of Jemaah Islamiyah leader, Mas Selamat Kastari, from Whitley Road Detention Centre earlier this year.


Mr Wong said: "Some of you may be concerned that you would be penalised harshly if you make a mistake, so much so that your focus is on avoiding mistakes, rather than in making positive arrests and detections. I do appreciate and understand your concerns. Let me assure all Home Team officers that we will always observe the need for pragmatic balance in all that we do.


"But I also assure you that how the officers responsible will be taken to task will always be fair and just. Commanders will ultimately be liable and assessed on the quality of their leadership as reflected in the performance of their officers, as well as the manner in which they address problems and adversity."


On a separate note, several public-spirited citizens were commended on Thursday for their role in preventing crime.


Mr Wong said there was a marginal one per cent increase in crime cases for the first half of the year. Housebreaking and related crimes dipped by 22 per cent this year, compared to the same period in 2007.


"While fire calls have increased fractionally, the number of fires within residential premises fell. Fires involving household contents and unattended cooking fell by 23 per cent and 3 per cent respectively.


"Civil Defence Force's preventive education efforts, together with the National Fire and Emergency Preparedness Council and its community partners, seem to have paid off. Equally encouraging is the 11 per cent fall in fires involving non-residential buildings, including commercial and industrial premises," he said.


The drug abuse situation in Singapore has also seen an improvement. But Mr Wong said the Central Narcotics Bureau needs to keep an eye on inhalant abuse, especially among the youths in school

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swee.. this is the type of leadership we need to guide us into the next millenium.


if these mata kia like to sweep mistake under carpet, they sud change job and become road sweepers.


yesh.. if they wanna prove to b real man, they sud own up to their mistake line up and face the music like any responsible worker sud.


more guud years ahead!



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I have the least respect for such pple..pushing out his own pple for execution to protect his own skin.. [shakehead][thumbsdown]
U have least respect? I have none in fact i PUI. Edited by Zhivago
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If he steps down, it would be admission to the mistake that everyone talks about. 'They' will never allow it even if he wanted to out of propriety.


Sometimes I think I pity him. He knows every citizen talk behind his back but he can't do anything to exonerate himself [shakehead] His master/s won't allow it....


What to do? I think he will ride it out and request for early release before election, reason : to enjoy grandchildren sitting.

Edited by Smhomie
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