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A question on vehicle reg. number bidding...


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Juz for info...




Replacement Of Vehicle Registration Number With A Bid Number

An owner of an existing vehicle may use a vehicle registration number, which he has successfully bid for, to replace the registration number of his existing vehicle. The procedures are as follows:



Complete the application form for replacement of vehicle registration number.



Submit the following to LTA, counter 18 or 19 at 10 Sin Ming Drive, 1st Storey, to effect the replacement:-


Application form, duly completed;

Road Tax Disc (Please ensure that the road tax has not expired. Otherwise, please proceed to renew your road tax at Multi-Transaction counters, 2nd Storey, 10 Sin Ming Drive.);

Valid approval letter to successful bidder for a vehicle registration number; and <- WHERE TO GET THIS?


Payment of $321, inclusive of GST of 7% (cash, cheque or NETS).



Please change the physical number plates on your vehicle within 3 calendar days after the approval of your application to replace a vehicle registration number.


Do remember to inform your insurance company of the change in your vehicle registration number too.


If you have further queries, please call our helpdesk at 1800-CALL LTA (1800-225-5582).

Edited by Xspace
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Neutral Newbie

Anyone know what will happen if bid was not successful???


How long will LTA send the Cashier Order back to us?


Or we have to go collect ourselves?


Going to try for it tomorrow... [;)]

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u have a choice to select whether to send back (bring ur own stamp!) or collect yourself or have an auth person to collect for u..


I got moi number lioa!!! [sly][sly][sly]

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Neutral Newbie

Read about it...


Congrats bro [thumbsup] .... btw u driving a CTR???


Me just bought a CTR... this number is going to be on this CTR... [;)]



If i got the number i bidded.... when the result is out at 4pm friday...

When is the earliest i can register it on the new car??


As my car is ready next week....

Can i tell the dealer straightaway after 4pm to register the number to the car and collect the car the following day(saturday)??? [confused]

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i not driving CTR.. juz EX... Next time lemme try urs la... [laugh]


1. If u get ur #, Friday, u check onemotoring website... ard noon should be out instead of 4pm...


2. Once the result is out, (depending on the mode of result collection), you will have to go to LTA, back to counter 18 and 19 to do ur vehicle number xfer.. Since u getting it for new car, please tell ur dealer NOT REGISTER ur car for u at LTA... WAit for ur result first...


Rightfully, I think you should give till Monday/Tues...



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