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A question on vehicle reg. number bidding...


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How come everytime I check, there aren't any double digits numbers? Cos since it's a bidding thingy, surely we can bid for all the numbers rite?



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SXX in the case of SBB, SDD, SFF, SJJ are always popular. But I notice this time round dealer did not bid.. seem they are carrying too many plates and not selling off fast enuff at a good price.

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How come everytime I check, there aren't any double digits numbers? Cos since it's a bidding thingy, surely we can bid for all the numbers rite?



The complete list of the SJJ series numbers were available for bidding from 5th (Sat.)to 12th (Sat.) July 08 whilst the (not previously bidded) SJH numbers starting from 2700+ were available for bidding from 5th - 8th (Tue.) July. At the same time earlier unbidded SJH numbers were put into the pool for normal (unbidded) allocation.


Now remaining SJJ series starting from 612 onwards are available till next Tuesday.


So those interested in bidding for any number in a new series should look up "Vehicle registration numbers available for bidding" on OneMotoring website every Friday evening (after 4pm) so as not to miss it when it first appears. Otherwise, they only have the remaining numbers to select from. When there is no new series launched, I think, the access to that webpage is closed from Wednesday till Friday evening.


So if you are keen on two-digit numbers look out for the complete SJK series!

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Thx bro...


SJK8888 [sly][sly]


Okay, I'm just kidding. I plan to bid for 1 double digit #, see moi luck ba... [drivingcar]

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How come everytime I check, there aren't any double digits numbers? Cos since it's a bidding thingy, surely we can bid for all the numbers rite?



Now is the time to act! [drivingcar][flowerface]


Happy National Day to all!

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Yeah, yday I checked it liao... 11 Aug to start bid... I juz give it a try first... Btw, can say bid 1K first, then got other bidders, I Up again?


IMPORTANT: Bidding for car registration numbers 1 to 9999 in the SJK series will start from 8.00am 11 August 2008 (Monday) to 12.00 noon on 16 August 2008 (Saturday). Interested members of the public are invited to submit their bids. The minimum bid amount is S$1000.

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this is a close door bidding lar... u wun know how much people bid for it, when the result out, if u dun get means the number bidded by higher offer liao, u no need to up bid, just bid the next round for other numberlaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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