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Help needed, Neighbour misused his house


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Hi there, i have a neighbour that has 4 dogs (one of it is a great dane) confine to a a space around the size of 1 parking lot. The dog *sh*it in that space and the owner just flushes it out of the house after that. (i lived in a terrace btw)

the dogs are smelly, even me staying 3 doors away can smell it oo (suspected that the owner does not care for his dogs)

i tried to call SPCA and they said they cannot do anything much.

Now the owner uses his house as a warehouse. he stores used metal gates (outside) inside his house there are mattresses stack to the ceiling and cables all over.


Anyone here can advise on where can tell me who can i report to?

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yes but the dogs may b put to sleep as a result..


flushing faeces down the drain is definitely illegal.


if SPCA cannot help, try ACRES




but pls dun use this opportunity to sabo ur neighbor/

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