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US Federal Reserve will go blaste soon. Any comments....??


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Merrill Lynch, CitiBank, UBS, Fannies, Funnies and some more mortages banks need Federal Reserve bail out. what happen next...

I believe no more hope for all these bank liao, sub-prime problem is getting out ot hand, I urge our government leave these banks alone, do waste our money with them anymore, US is a bankrupt country that can't even pay their own president salary, let them fall...... and start fresh....

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y so pessemestic? i also not thinkin lidat anymore.


tml the sun will rise again. and u can start a fresh say..


cheer up

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They won't go bankrupt lar.......


the most, they sell their weapons and can recovers some $$$$$, especially, B-2, F-117, F-22, aircraft carrier & sub-marine to SG...... [sly][sly]


or sell a state to SG and all Singaporean can shift there leow..... [laugh][laugh]





Edited by Picnic06
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Are you alright?

Firstly, US has been a country in debts for years. It will not collapse because if it does, the entire world economy will change. It may happen when the day the US economy no longer is the pillar of the world economy. If the US economy does collapse now, even without our investments in these banks, we are just as dead because of the impact that the US economy has on the world.


Secondly, there are always ups and downs in the finance industry. Just because it is on the down side now does not mean eternal doom. Maybe not all will recover fully (why govt sold some ML shares), that's where the diverse investment comes in, instead of putting all the eggs into 1 basket. By the way UBS is a Swiss bank, it has nothing to do with the Federal Reserve.

Edited by W2K_83
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Please worry that Singapore will blaste first... we small dot, one bird_s-hit drop on us we all die. [laugh]


No need worry about US la..., they cannot image how much reserve they have... their oil reserve in Alaska is almost same as whole of middle east, at most take out a bit to sell can liao...

They also have the ability to attack any weaker countries and take their resources if really go crazy. [lipsrsealed]


I am more worry about our little red dot... [laugh]

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