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Thousands throng showflats at Park Central@AMK (DBSS HDB Flat)


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Oei.... long time no see.... [sly][sly][sly]


were u in the que at AMK...... [sweatdrop][sweatdrop][sweatdrop]


or u still prefers jurong area because a lot of minahs...... [lipsrsealed][lipsrsealed]





his [inlove] minahs... [laugh][laugh][laugh] he's a jurong ah beng... die die need to go back de... [:p]

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Yah, some was saying delay buying car, or spend less monthly.


I am thinking, used up ALL your CPF is already wrong, fork out cash for monthly installment? [hur]


yeah, and HDB requires you to use 100% of CPF ordinary account before you can take HDB loan... for most, CPF will be wiped out to pay for a subsidised flat.


then when u have no money to retire, it's your fault again.


What I try to highlight is even more serious, the monthly installment must pay cash since no enough CPF to pay for monthly installment.

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Neutral Newbie

can send me the list + prices?


I supposed buying a "condo-like" apt is similar to people buying a "sports-like" car ... I mean can't afford a real sports car so next best thing fork out money but a regular car put sports rims, spoilers, stickers, change exhaust mufflers etc and now you have a "sports-like" car ...


So now HDB want to satisfy demand for people who wants to live condo lifesyle .. so next best thing HDB built a flat with air-con, parquet floor, built in wardrobe and put a BIG $$$$ on it and hey presto ... a condo-like HDB flat ... minus swimming pool, security guards, gym, tennis court etc...


My opinion : Buy resale 99 year condo or EC. It's more worth it. Just PM me and I'll email you a whole list.

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she is my ex neighbor, i m the one who move out but not her, so u think how difficult it will be to find her?


the only thing is AI KA MAI NIA NIA

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If it's so good, you think developers will rush to launch the project at this time meh? They must have predicted that property prices will be unstable in the future. If don't launch now, sure lose $$ in future [laugh]

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If it's so good, you think developers will rush to launch the project at this time meh? They must have predicted that property prices will be unstable in the future. If don't launch now, sure lose $$ in future laugh.gif

I think the developers got no choice but to launch the project soon, because contract with HDB stated that the project must be completed within 48 months upon award. So developers cannot wait, unlike private property project.

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yeah, and HDB requires you to use 100% of CPF ordinary account before you can take HDB loan... for most, CPF will be wiped out to pay for a subsidised flat.


then when u have no money to retire, it's your fault again.


Some qns


1. If one have $, can he/she buy a flat using his $ w/o loan and dun use CPF ?


2. If one have $ and able to buy a flat w/o loan. Will HDB give him lower priority to purchase the flat ? or over demand, include him/her in the balloting pool ?

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