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Origin of Love


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Did love started when you feel your heart beat faster or from the first drop from your eye?

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Did love started when you feel your heart beat faster or from the first drop from your eye?


Heart beat faster...speech becomes incoherent, suddenly, the mind is not working and you say the funniest things ever...


till date my wife still remembered what i said on our first date....

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If it is the first time you are falling for a girl, I would say the heart is beating irregular but if you have many a gf b4, then I tell you if you really look inside yourself, its the first drop from your eye when the girl allows you to send her home.


No matter how much of charity works and/or how many olf folks you have visited, its different when your mother is still around. But when she has gone and you continue to visit those old folks at the Home, the one who for eg ask you "chiak ba buay or sek cho mei" something that your mother would never fails to ask you when you come home, a drop of tears will form at your eye - take consolation that you love your mother more than yourself.

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