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1st Lane is for Overtaking nt Cruising!


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Neutral Newbie

Agree... 'Give Way'... but sad to say i've seen a lot of ppl unwilling to do so...


I confess i do drive fast but when i c behind got faster car cmg i'll still give way...


Tat's wat 1st lane are for mah...

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Neutral Newbie

Yup... its been donkey yrs like tat but S'pore still need continuous improvement...


I believe enforcement & education shd make the diff if we start now... It may take some time but its worth for the future...

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Neutral Newbie

Hahaha... Tat's a gd one... i do agree sometimes i travel faster in 2nd lane or even 3rd...


Sometimes do Zig Zag but its nt safe & ppl will tin i'm wreckless driving... but no choice! 1st Lane nt giving way mah...

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Neutral Newbie

I've been driving for more than 10yrs... Tat's y we need to step up measures to prevent road hogging which always compliment with tailgating like wat some bros here mentioned...


Sometimes, things juz can't be left aside...


Tot S'poreans are more educated nowsadays...


Even been to Aust/NZ & even NSH in Malaysia? Most of the times they give way to faster cars even they are travelling @ above 150km/hr!

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Neutral Newbie

Haha... So are u a wolf too? Colour one? Wahaha...


Tat's a gd gesture of frdly horn... if the driver nt notice & give way after the gesture its ok, Some will stare @ u after u overtake them, some even gif hand signs... I've exp tat b4...


But still i agree wif u tat we've to start up wif frdly gesture like after they gif way, we wave back & tat shd cool down the fellow...

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Think u missed the point, pple talking abt situation when both lanes 1 and 2 relatively empty, ie 1030am traffic, and along comes jokers who cruise along lane 1 refusing to move to lane 2 when they see a faster car approaching.

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Neutral Newbie

I'm nt referring to peak hours traffic jams thou... so its understandable during those period where ppl can't kao peh...


I'm referring to normal times... If there's still stack up in 1st lane... its still voice down to the very 1st front car who's road hogging the entire lane isn't it?

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Almost everyday i come across cars cruising on 1st lane eventhough 2nd lane has nt much vehicle & even travelling @ same speed...


I guess S'poreans needs to be more considerate on this point.


Some ppl even taught speed limit for highway is 90km/hr & so travelling at 1st lane @ 90km/hr is nt wrong thus refuses to give way to fast moving vehicle...


Sometimes there're ppl complaining abt tailgating but do think back whether are u road hogging 1st Lane?


Juz wan to make a point here in this forum...




seems like you are those tailgaters...


can just overtake from left what...unimpressed.gif

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That's the spirit [nod] . Sadly...few has it [:/] .


Strange thing is, every morning I see cars tg each others (2-3 feets away), tap breaking. Like that can reach office faster meh. [hur] .


Having said this, something it is quite difficult to give way during busy hours. [shakehead]

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It depends. Since I'm not familiar with their traffic system, I'll try to keep within the speed limit.laugh.gif

What I was told is that the fed patrol does not usually catch speeding on the highway.

I only saw once a couple of fed patrol near Boston.


But the small town roads, sheriff often hide in bushes with radar/laser gun.


Anyway, I always keep to the right (slow lane) at the speed limit of about 65 to 70mph. Most cars just zoomed by me. You seldom hear anybody complain about roadhogging there.

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Actually, the most common road hoggers on the roads are those small lorries that like to travel at 65-70km/hr on the middle lane. [bounce1][bounce1][bounce1]

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I've been driving for more than 10yrs... Tat's y we need to step up measures to prevent road hogging which always compliment with tailgating like wat some bros here mentioned...


Sometimes, things juz can't be left aside...


Tot S'poreans are more educated nowsadays...


Even been to Aust/NZ & even NSH in Malaysia? Most of the times they give way to faster cars even they are travelling @ above 150km/hr!


I agree with you totally, Malaysia's drivers are hell lot more considerate and friendly compared to singaporean drivers [shakehead]

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Hi Bro,


People do not speed for the kick of it. (lets leave cheongster out of this theory cos they are just merely 10 or 20 percent of the whole car population)



When the authorities talk about "keeping left unless overtaking", I think they meant it within the context of keeping within the speed limit, i.e., if the car behind goes at 90, and the car in front is going at 70 in Lane 1, then that's hogging. Most people forget about the part of keeping within the speed limit.


But hey, it's not up to you or me to say who is right or wrong, or to perform the enforcement. Hey, if you want to speed, that's your problem. But then to turn around and say that someone is roadhogging and in the wrong, then that is a clear case of the pot calling the kettle black.



You say about people forgetting the keep to speed limit part.


But since every other car are keeping to the speed limit, why is the roadhogger staying in lane 1 at 90km per hour?


If the cars in lane 2 are going at 90km per hour as well, the road hogger is clearly not overtaking > so he is suppose to be in lane 2 as well cos keep left unless overtaking rule.

If the cars in lane 2 are slower than 90km per hour, the road hogger should have gone back to lane 2 after he had overtook the car > if he did just that then no one will call him a road hogger but seems like most of the situations explained clearly shows the roadhoggers are indeed roadhogging cos most of the time tailgater overtook from the left.


So i dont quite agree with your pot calling the kettle black.

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You have two choices:


1. Continue to follow the one in front, flash and horn, and hope he give way, but most likely he is not going to.

2. Filter to the left, drive a bit faster, cut in front if you like or continue on the "faster" left lane.


TP is not going to be there to book the "roadhogger" for anything, bcoz he is not doing anything wrong. He is just driving at speed limit.


Reckless driving depends on how TP defines it. If you are zigzagging in and out of traffic, it is obviously reckless driving. If you have to overtake on the left...it is up to him to decide...unfortunately.


If you drive in MY highway, you would see the ones that does not give way is the "S" plate.

90% of MY car will give way and keep to the left, even though they are driving at speed limit.

Talk about gracious society..this is not.

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You guys got to really start reading what I wrote carefully instead of jumping the gun. There is a difference between "keeping within" and "keeping to". You may of course exercise your right to agree to disagree.

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