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OPC road tax rebates


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Neutral Newbie

Thks for ur kind advices. As OPCer you know the package $17000 upfront rebate and $8000 through road tax rebates total $25k. By right my road tax now is $743 per year after discount. Used to pay $874 so the discount is $131 per year. For 10 years, it will be $1310. I think for picanto is the worse hit. Losing $575 a year. Moreover, there will be yearly inspection fees of $52.50 for OPC seal check. Pay more tax but cannot drive. Im actually surprise even ppl like typhoon125 driving OPC like 1L van is happy to pay up $50. Its actually not very worth it to lose $600 a year. Pay more tax but cant drive during peak hour. Perhaps he's happy with a bike. What's more in November there will be more ERP gantries coming up. More and more gantries will be extended beyond 7pm. I dun quite agree the logic that the cheapest motorbike road tax is even more than an OPC. They get to drive anytime. I am hoping picanto drivers, chevy, fit, swift, vios, getz drivers are here to speak up. I do hope LTA will give OPC a bit more benefits like free supplementary licences per year and waiver of seal plate inspection fee. Seemed like many forumers dun realli like OPC drivers. Dono why. But I see more and more normal plate cars driving in the morning at 6+am. Guess they want to escape paying erp. now even 6.30am is so congested. wonder will erp be implemented at this hour soon. I do agree that upgrading may cost even more. I am holding back that idea.


Added: Perhaps a lot of ppl like typhoon125 may not know. The $17000 rebate is your own money. When scarp car, the OPC paper value is less $17k than noraml car. What OPC really gain for the sacrifice of not driving during peak hour is from the road tax rebate.

Edited by Rojakheaven
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No matter how much we complain...

Only can LL...

Frankly speaking...I dun mind paying for the full road tax as long as they scrap COE.

Its useless....gahment says coe to regulate numbers. When lesser owners, they increase quote to bring down coe price to attract people to buy car again....

Just scrap off coe...

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why would OPC picanto, chevy, vios, getz driver speak differently? [confused] they get to pay for less for their rides and suit their lifestyle, paying few $$ occasionally on weekend or evening won't hurt, since your lifestyle can afford a 1.8 civic, few $$ in nothing to you

Edited by Jman888
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Neutral Newbie

I am a OPC Jazz driver but I dun see the point that you are trying to get... perhaps my brain is not as superior as u as I read again and again and yet I dun get it... wat u meant by 'pay more tax but cant drive during peak hour'? Yearly seal inspection fee is part n parcel when u decided to get a OPC... n I dun noe which inspection centre that u go/ went to that charge $52.50????? If u need to, I can scan my receipt of inspection of seal to let u see n perhaps u can go n complain to that particular inspection centre... hopefully this is constructive to u... FYI, my colleague's bike road tax is more than what I am paying for my ride (me pay $50 annually - do u wanna compare radio license? but everyone is paying the same for this).. n I almost driving everyday even though my timing needs to follow wat an OPC should do... so, ain't I gaining more than normal license plate cars??? Please do a search... LTA did give FREE supplementary licenses BEFORE but abolish it... wanna noe why? perhaps u can ask LTA on it? Is this constructive idea too? Fellow forumers in mcf dun dislike OPC drivers (anyone can correct me if I am wrong)... it is the black sheeps among OPC drivers who make other drivers dun like them... it's a subjective dislike... if u ask me, I also dun like some OPC drivers on e road... it dun mean I am an OPC owner = I will agree to watever other OPC drivers doing...But really, I dun noe what is ur main agenda in you starting such a thread... hey, at least I responded to ur call to speak up [laugh][laugh]

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Aiya... This is not about can't afford. This is about "other ppl got discount, how come I don't have". Typical of Spore kiasuism....

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Added: Perhaps a lot of ppl like typhoon125 may not know. The $17000 rebate is your own money. When scarp car, the OPC paper value is less $17k than noraml car. What OPC really gain for the sacrifice of not driving during peak hour is from the road tax rebate.


I find this logic very funny. How is this not beneficial to an OPC car buyer? Of course you if you mean to say the yearly amount of depreciation, yes, it may not be that much the different, but you already pay 17K less upfront. That is already saving to you, isn't it not? Of course, when you sell an OPC, you will get lesser than a normal car. Say you buy a 100K car, sell at 60K vs buy a 50K car sell at 30K, percentage of depreciation although is the same, you can expect a 50K car to sell at the same 60K price right?

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Thks for ur kind advices. As OPCer you know the package $17000 upfront rebate and $8000 through road tax rebates total $25k.


That's your problem right that. You take the OPC rebate as $17k + $800/year * 10 = $25k, when the OPC rebate is $17k + up to $800/year * 10.


If maximizing out the road tax rebate is your kind of thing, then I advise you to buy a 2.0L car. LTA may lower the road tax again 5 years down the road.

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Hello, I have have the same sentiment as u. But my problem lagi bigger.


I drive a normal 1.8L car. Gahmen announce potong 15% road tax. My saving is a bit if compare to bigger cc car.

KNN. I should have bought a 7L car to save more. furious.giffurious.giffurious.gif


Then they anyhow put the ERP. Toa Payoh, Lulian road also have. I also feel frustrated with LTA furious.giftoo. promote simi art then put the erp tell people no art to see ah?


I also should have bot OPC car. so many OPC never put coupon can drive. I also dare play russian roulette with TP also. So many years i drive i never see tp, sure won't kenna wan. but if now convert no use no 17K discount. must buy a new car.


I am now considering to upgrade to OPC 7L. Nice car thumbsup.gifinlove.gif

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Frankly, I cannot make sense of your numbers. But I see that your fundamental basis is that you are 'losing' money. Problem is, you are losing from WHAT? You are basing you starting point at what your car would cost if it was a normal use car. But that reference point is a floating platform (eg cost of car in 1990 and 2000 is VERY different, COE prices in 2000 and 2006 is verty different)...


So how can you be making any sensible assessment on what you stand to loose for not having taken up a more expensive commitment??


Most normal people would just look at the absolute package that you have.As is how much you ARE paying and is it worth it.


I've not studied about the scrap value of an OPC, but i do know this: If I were to convert from OPC to normal use, the top up amount is a proportional amount based on the remaining number of days of normal use (based on a 10yr COE) multiplied by that $17K. Based on this, I should think that the scrap value part isn't that simply arrivesd at.


Even if it is, $17K and $17K 10yrs later is a very differnt picture:


17K on hand now

- paying lower price for car, less interest

- cash on hand -> investment, lifestyle, savings ...


17K 10yrs later:

- hmm...suppliment my annuality?


Honestly, I find your reasoning very weak. You seem to be scrutinizing one small aspect of a situation without even having reasonably appreciated all the other, more major aspects.


Back to your basis: You lose out on few tens of dollars/hundred plus dollars per year, so that is reason enough for you to consider commiting to a higher capacity car that's gonna cost you few hundreds/thousands of dollars per year.... [shakehead][shakehead]

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Neutral Newbie

17k is indeed your money. say COE at 10k. ARF at 12k. Scrap at 3rd year. Normal plate owner will get paper value of 70% x 10K COE + 75% x 12k = 16k. OPC will get paper value of 75% x 5k = 3.75k.


Without road tax savings:


For any OPC cars:

Normal plate cost = $22k -16k = $6k

OPC plate cost = $5k

Edited by Rojakheaven
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say COE at 10k. ARF at 12k. Scrap at 3rd year. Normal plate owner will get paper value of 70% x 10K COE + 75% x 12k = 16k. OPC will get paper value of 75% x 5k = 3.75k.


*sigh*....hello!.. you seem to have conveniently taken out the $17K completely in this comparison. You honestly expect to compare THESE parameters without factoring in that $17K??


A more correct picture:


Assuming the COE and ARF figures you quoted. Illustrate that on a 1.6l 2005 altis.


Normal plate:

Cost: $59K

After 3years, paper value: $16K

Nett "spent" = $59K - $16K = $43K



Cost: $42K

After 3yrs, paper value: $1.25K

Nett "spent" = $42K-$1.25K = 40.75K


The above illustration is of course rough and does not include other factors; but it's to illusrate a point. It's how much you spend, and not how much you 'save' that's the important aspect. Your way of assessing can be compared to deciding to get the most expensive unlimited mobile phone plan, justy because the freebies are the most expensive of the lot, without taking the cost of the PLAN itself into consideration....


And don't forget, the paper value is currently still paper value. You don't get it back as cash yet.


Again, I have to say your reason is ... unconventional and uniquely your own.And that's putting it very politely. I will also add that I no longer find it amusing nor necessary to 'correct' your perception, and I will stop here in case I no longer can keep my exasperation in check and start [furious]


As another member has pointed out. Since the road tax savings is a percentage of actual annual road tax, might I suggest that you go for a 2.4L or 3L car instead? I hear that luxuary cars are taxed higher, so how about a Ferarri/ Porche??....I'm sure you will benefit greatly in road tax for those cars [hur]

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Neutral Newbie

Did I left out 17k? In the figures shown, I included 17k.


You hit the point I am trying to make! 17k savings is truly enjoyed when you used your car for 10 years and COE more than 17k. Some people may not know this.


Illustrate that on a 1.6l 2005 altis with body value 15k


Normal plat:

Money get back = 15k + 16K = $31k


OPC plate:

Money get back = 15k + 3.75k = 18.75k


PARF can be exchanged for cash from dealers at 8-10% commission. soon can directly get money from LTA. OPC actually lose a lot when selling car.

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For any OPC cars:

Normal plate cost = $22k -16k = $6k

OPC plate cost = $5k

Edited by Scoots
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