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What do you do when you get a "Lemon" car?


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i m not surprise to see reply like this: Since you are not protected by Law, better to buy TOY**A or HO**A, less chances of getting a LEMON


toyota lotsa lemon bigger lemon...... if no pple die in US the sweep the lemon under the carpet

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my first car was a lemon.. after going malaysia for a few times... and after going through one accident... the car became an apple... LOL


Ya lor....some cars are like that....Bo kan buay toa han (No f...never grow up) [laugh]


Mine also.... [:p]

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toyota lotsa lemon bigger lemon...... if no pple die in US the sweep the lemon under the carpet



A lemon is a lemon no matter what the badge. But pls don't walk away say we cannot and have no protection. We do! I had a lemon not so long ago.....I took the delaership to court after the car endagered my family's collective lives. Naturally, they will pull all sorts of "stunts' to deny acocuntability. I know it is hard but remember these few things if u got a lemon:


1. Be reasonable with your demands

2. Keep ALL paperwork asscoiated (invoice, service records, etc)

3. Get a good lawyer

4. Prepare to go to court

5. Settle out of court when possible



It could be a long and drawn out affair..I know firsthand, but you must preserve. Listen to your lawyer and advice they give. Do not handle any negotiation without their knowledge after you have decided to enageg their services. FYI, I came out on the winner.....but it is not something I want to go through again.




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A Lemon Car is defined as one with numerous defects/ technical problems since the first day of collecting it or one where you have to send in numerous times for repairs, either for the same problem or all different in a short span of time.


So what do you do when you get a 'lemon'? Very limited unless you have lots and lots of $$$$.


In Singapore, there are no laws to protect new car buyers from a lemon (like in the USA). If you want a replacement, you have to get your own lawyer to sue ($$$$$) or go to CASE for mediation (doesn't always work). The dealers/ manufacturer are at their liberty to give you whatever standard of quality car they have, and if you are unfortunate enough, you get a problematic car. In the US, if you get a lemon and it's proven that you have a lemon, you get a replacement car under the State law.


It doesn't make any sense not to have this law here, as cars in Singapore are the most expensive in the world!!! So why is the government not helping? Well, you figure it out..."bad for business"? etc.....One of the answers.


Isn't it time, we car buyers start to push for this law implementation? I've written to NMP Sin Boon Ann (no reply yet) and bring this up to CASE as well (they are trying too), but maybe we all should work together to achieve this!


What are you thoughts/ comments?

I believe you should not try to prepare lemon chicken with it. Trade-in or scrap it.

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my first car was a lemon.. after going malaysia for a few times... and after going through one accident... the car became an apple... LOL

Became Apple? I tot shld become Lime instead! [laugh]

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Became Apple? I tot shld become Lime instead! [laugh]


apple keeps the doctor away mah...


my car going to become lemonade liao .... get squashed in 2 month's time

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