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I am in deep trouble


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black cheat white cheat still is cheater. once caught u are a cheater and nothing more.dun care who u are even monk also cheat he can say what he do with the money but in the end he is still a cheater if not a master conman.

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dat guy tok kok la.. simi do not know must tear... then how he drive to the checkpoint in the first place [:|]

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just curious,


are OPC offences caught red-handed?


or simply issued a summon letter to ur mailbox out of the blue?


Yes, my friend was caught red-handed and wearing a red T-shirt.

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bro, confirmed this is a cheating offence, lah! Read the notice served to you....tax evasion is cheating cause OPC got ARF $17K tax rebate..........


No way out....the court deals with more than 100 thousands of OPC cheaters... any or every excuse you can think off, LTA heard it all.........


just plead guilty and ask for leenaicy lor...if u laki...fine $1K......but if unlaki hor...$10K...


Good luck, pls go temple to pray Buddha to help u .......... [angel][angel]

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dun be so harsh lah, life is tough for many on this little island, even civil servants.

actually, dunno abt u guys, but i am a cheater too. not OPC stickers since my car not opc, but any other thing, also cheat here cheat there. maybe not cheat poor or unfortunate, but no qualms cheating govt leh [laugh]


Want to cheat go cheat more from govt. KNN....cheat $20....pui !!

machiam like a banana thief, can only steal banana

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Ok loh, whatever you say, you happy can liao loh. But to put things in perspective, we can classify these 2 class of cheaters as " petty thieves" and "big time robbers". Who do you think deserve more attention from our Police Force? [sly]

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haf to appear in court 21 soon.my charges is altered off peak coupon. 1st time offence.the car is not mine my family car.didnt know the seriousness.


what is the average amount for such offence?i been told i be sack if the amount is a few k.


what procedure i haf to follow when in court?



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Do not think there is a fool proof to prevent OPC cheating.


If there is any, the garhmen wld have implemented that.

The concept is the same as parking coupons. There would always be people cheating on the parking coupons.



Huh? cannot lah... by having this 'device' that track OPC cars, are you saying the OPC owners can only wash their cars during weekends?! Cos the moment OPC drivers drive their rides to the washing bay... $20 gone.


Haiz later govt come out with the satellite tracking opc vehicles, once moved beep beep $20.00 gets deducted from cashcard.


I guess cost of living is going up but no excuse lar to save $$


Aiya i just saying if mah....i think its a full proof lor...wat u think ?

any better suggestions so that those that forget abt putting coupon also never get penalised on the road ?

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Huh? cannot lah... by having this 'device' that track OPC cars, are you saying the OPC owners can only wash their cars during weekends?! Cos the moment OPC drivers drive their rides to the washing bay... $20 gone.


Haiz later govt come out with the satellite tracking opc vehicles, once moved beep beep $20.00 gets deducted from cashcard.


I guess cost of living is going up but no excuse lar to save $$


get to drive so little only wash so many times a week for what? [:p]

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Although I am not an OPC owner... but I guess you will be surprised that many OPC owners buy OPC cars because of their job nature (shift works etc) and may not lose to normal plate owners in terms of mileage...


Got a friend working in Tuas at Jurong island... travel in the evening to work and reach home around 6am. Everyday easily 60-70km.


In any case, even if OPC cars does not travel... in SG, cars get dusty easily anyway...

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Let me know the time and place deh. I join you guys if I can

hokay, once chicky call me then i will inform unod.gif

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dun be so harsh lah, life is tough for many on this little island, even civil servants.

actually, dunno abt u guys, but i am a cheater too. not OPC stickers since my car not opc, but any other thing, also cheat here cheat there. maybe not cheat poor or unfortunate, but no qualms cheating govt leh [laugh]



not call cheat lar.. you meant tao cheik (secretly eat).. [laugh][laugh]

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Actually even when the ERP are turned off, the gov is still tracking who went pass the ERP 24/7. Just insert a low value cash card, and drive pass any ERP gantry in the 'off' state. The IU will immediately give out the 'Beep Beep' sound to warn you that the card value is low!

When the Gantry is installed nation wide....even in the 'off' state......Big Brother knows where and when you pass thru any gantries!


wah lau eh ... do u know if your cashcard is below $5, the IU will show the red light & beep once in a while? sibei annoying.


u try that while u r still in car park & c what happens ... [laugh]

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Do not think there is a fool proof to prevent OPC cheating.


If there is any, the garhmen wld have implemented that.

The concept is the same as parking coupons. There would always be people cheating on the parking coupons.


To me I dont consider that as cheating at all, not even honesty. That's gambling and it's quite natural that we gamble in one form or another after considering the chances. It's the fear of punishment that some dont gamble.

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No truer words have been said [thumbsup]


It does not pay to cheat, eventually the cheater will get caught somehow. Further, it's not fair to those of us, who paid full price for the privilege to drive our car anytime and anyway we want.


Also, it's quite rediculous people can afford a car (even an OPC car is not cheap), and yet want to stinge on coupons.


I'm not condemning the TS because what's done cannot be undone, and he will be facing the consequences. But those who are not yet caugh, please stop cheating. Not point being penny wise and pound foolish.

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