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Skoda Range has revised prices across the board with new management


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Under New Management says the advertisement with new pricing for the Skoda range, the Superb is going for 82K++ and Octavia 2 going for 56k.


Finally some competitive pricing that should kick start the market, the Octavia at that price is a steal?


Kudos to the new management.

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Neutral Newbie

clearing stock.

waiting for new cars to come in.


heard tt new superb might go below 100k and full specs.

i'm just waiting now.


main concern is maintenance and parts.

and resale.

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Its the new head with the same management team.


The problem is that there is a FT there who thinks he control the team at Skoda.


When i send in my car for warranty claims, He tells me that if i am paying the money for the warranty claims will i just do an exchange for the items without going through any testing even thou there is a interrmitten problem (Intermitten problem can be tested one meh?) ECU reset code will reset the intermitted problem. So what there you goes, no more fault again.


He said that he will need to test and make sure it is really faulty before he will change for me. I dont even know when the fault is coming? Its like telling me well you can try your luck lor. If the fault comes out before the warranty finish they will replaces for you lor. If it come out later then they will not do so lor.


There, the new head was beside me.. seating there cannot comment on anything because he was either to me not able to control that fella or he is em.. Not experience enough to give any answer.


He also reads this forum, so i am shooting my legs by posting this because i guess i may lost my chance to get to exchange my interrmitting radio.


Also i guess when i said that if i choose to make the whole things big i said that there are chances i may be able to ask for an exchange for the car like with others makes...


He asked me to tell him which makes managed to get an exchange of the car.


There i told him BMW and the recent Golf GTi, but he said, at the end they still repair the car right. Never exchange. My car also repaired what.... So can anyone pm details if you know which of your friends managed to exchange the car or something like that.


Really i think its not the car problem, its the whole management problem. So i guess unless Skoda is really out of that place, then can consider buying it. If not then keep your finger cross that your car didnt give you problem after buying it.


There are quite a no of owners i know are frustrated with what had happened and they have given up trying to solve their problems. Do a search and can find lots..

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New Superb with full specs below 100K !! Wow, nice.


I think if they built the price competitively and also do alot of marketing especially since it is now under new management, I would expect more and hopefully bring some proper branding back to Skoda that is due it.


I have faith the new management should do a better job.


Overall we bought the car because of the value and built.

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when the new superb comes out, maybe they would clear stock, that is your time to get the current superb at a fantastic value.


* keep your fingers crossed*

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Thanks bro.


Dont mind i ask. Is there a Skoda MU u guys attend regularly ? I would like to have a friendly view of Skoda cars. Sorry im beri kuku, never sat in a turbo car b4(except taxis). Of course we can TCSS over coffee. [nod]


Ive been to Lancer MU, ICE MU b4. Nice to meet up MCFers to TCSS and view each other cars.

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skoda MU are few, prob 2 or 3 per year nia. Due to the small population, diff to activate tongue.gif just browse our meetup folder once in a while to see if have any.


Will PM you if there is one.


ps. wld also like to see your ride. looks good from ur avatar ... thumbsup.gif

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Neutral Newbie

the new superb is nice ... [thumbsup]


heart has always been with vRS... so if the price is right.. maybe can consider..:D

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If i may ask about the new management, do you have the number, just called to enquire about repairs, somehow I was sent to a line that says "welcome to Geely"....

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Still same place and number: 6472-1188.


You must have called Geely at Ubi where the Skoda workshop is.

(Former Renault showroom/workshop)

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