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Xbox 360 games thread


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Just got a 2nd hand box a couple of weeks back. Great stuff especially when I hook this thing to my 22" LCD.


Played and completed Halo3. As with my past experiences with Halo & Halo2, this game is totally amazing. The graphics are up a notch in quality.


Got a couple of other games too.


DOA4 - great graphics and gals.


Perfect Dark - never played yet.


Ridge Racer 6 - Great racer as previous Ridge Racers.


And currently I am into Mission no. 4 in DMC4. The graphics in this game totally blew me off my chair. (I am not just literally saying, I actually fell off and cut myself...haha) [laugh][laugh]


I think with the reasonable 2nd hand market and lower priced originals, I don't think I will mod my set. [thumbsup]

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laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif...great games u got there...but u sure u contented with a 22 " sly.gif

mine 26 and me find it kinda small tongue.gif


and um..where u buy ur 2nd hand games..care to share with me sly.gif

and um ..DMC 4 is wad game ah...

sori..me not into short form de sweatdrop.gif

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i got a 64mb memory card..for me enough..coz i never stored updates of games patches and too much saved games..once i completed some games..i delete the saved files and move to play others.. [;)]

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if still cover the RROD the biggest problem..still worth it..see still left how long the warranty..if nto wrong..most like 1-2 year leh on warranty..make sure if u buy...ask him what particular he register on microsoft for the warrenty


few things to take note if buy 2nd hand :


warranty how long left to cover RROD..Red Rings of Death


issit kana banned from live - if got warranty cover or no open b4,its not ban


and ask for what particulars he regiester for the warranty to microsoft





mine left 2 years warranty for RROD..a replacement just take back from microsoft..thats why i feel still worth it for me to buy at $250 wif a new wireless controller [;)]

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sweatdrop.gif..okok...its a game me wont play though tongue.gif...

not realli into slashing...

but yeah..may give it a try tongue.gif

since it has good reps here tongue.gif

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got mine from a fellow hwzoner for $250.


Set comes with 20Gb HDD, Halo3, DOA4 and Perfect Dark. And also VGA cable. It was a great deal.


Yup 22" seems small now. [knife]


Need a bigger screen... [laugh]

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hmmm..so many games sly.gif...

realli great deal then thumbsup.gif


and it was mentioned ..a min of 32 "...

so yeah..wad u waiting for sly.gif


and a tip for u...u can give away ur 22" (to me)

laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif...dun mind having a spare tv in the houselipsrsealed.gif

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