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Xbox 360 games thread


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dun noe whether this is allowed but um...

me wanna start a thread all about xbox 360 games...

the xbox360 games u wanna play ...

and wad u like about the game...


lets get the ball rolling...

the game me is on now is

Ace combat 6 : Fires of Liberation


great game...great graphics...

has fighter jets in the likes of F16, F18 , mirage and my all time favorite



the dog fights are cool...the air to ground attacks are awesome...

and um...there are extras like...in air refuelling.thumbsup.gif

and ...returning to base to resupply when supplies are low...

or finding the airstrip in the middle of combat ...

to land and resupply( something me have trouble doing sweatdrop.gif)


so guys..wad games u play..care to post here..

and share the experience tongue.gif


Edited by Gabriel
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Neutral Newbie

To contribute to the thread.....


Ace Combat 6 nice gameplay, excellent graphics, although a bit arcade feel. Realism not up to expectation.


Tom Clancy Rainbow Six 6 Vegas 1 & 2. One of my all time fav. Control easy to get used to after a while, single player missions require planning and strategy. Online options are the best i have ever seen, ranging from story to terrorist hunt to protect all in either cooperative or versus mode. Graphics can improve though.


Forza Motorsport 2. One of the best racing games ever. Amazing graphics, realism, real tracks, wide range of cars.


Gears of War. The game that defines the xbox360 back then and one of the reasons why i bought the set. Gameplay, graphics, storyline all in there. Still amazing when playing now, eagerly awaiting for GOW 2.


Call of Duty 4. One of the must have games. Superb graphics, amazing gameplay and online multiplayer. Only complain is that the single player too short.


Grand Theft Auto 4. Definitely the must buy game of the year for xbox360. Everything the game offers is near perfect to me. Its like you are playing through a movie as the main character. The beginning already like a movie.

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nod.gif...for me..thnk god not realistic tongue.gif...

coz me juz wanna haf shoot baddies down..


have Forza Motorsports 1 & 2....great games...

it juz gets better doesnt it..

juz that wished that they had more tracks..

eh..maybe the F1 track of sg rolleyes.gif...



have GTA 4 toothumbsup.gif...but after a while...me feels like me is working sweatdrop.gif

kinda reminds me of work..having to drive around...unimpressed.gif

onli catch is..me cant kill at work tongue.gif


kinda hesitant on getting COD 4 though..

coz like wad u said..its a short game sweatdrop.gif..

oh..btw..u selling COD 4 Posted Image...me dun mind 2nd hand games de Posted Image


oh...me wanna introduce this game me was playing a while back


Assasin's Creed...great game...brings u to the past and back...

onli thing is ..after a while ..u get bored..coz u seem to be doing the same thing

over and over again...


and another game me have is


Stranglehold..a game of john woo genre...

great game...lots of shooting...arcade style ...

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i have ace combat 6 as well.bought it due to some package price (2 selected titles for 100 or so cant remember at comics connection).

personally i like the game play as its easy and downright direct.i cant really stand those 'too" real flight simulators so guess this is more for me as its more arcade style.kinda reminds me of the old skool sega after burner.and i find it good as there are training modes after each mission so as to get familiar with the controls and such.


another game which currently i am STILL cheonging is lost oddesey.graphics are not too bad.abit long winded and have to purchase thru xbox live inorder to unlock some hidden quests.currently going thru disc 3 as there are total of 4 disc in the game.story line is interesting and i would recommend to players who love those jap style turn based rpgs.


Trusty Bells - eternal sonata.

some what same as the above.jap style turn based rpgs.story line not as good but not so long winded either.more kiddish looking characters .different interms of characters layouts between lost oddesey/enchant arm against eternal sonata would be somewhat like comparing final fantasy 10/11/12 against final fantasy 9 and FF crystal chronicles.worth a try though if there is offers around.


i really hope xbox would be bringing in soon the namco tales series .always enjoyed playing them on various home consoles.they got a new release on xbox360 which is the Tales of Vesperia.not sure if it hit our shores yet.but watch the videos on youtube and it seems pretty attractive and decent.


another of my favourite game (still playing) on the box would be Beautiful Katamari.same gameplay as that of the ps2 (katamari damacy) and psp (me and my katamari).good game to release stress.fun and challenging at times too.

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Gears of War is a classic. GOW II coming soon, a must have.

Best game is still Bioshock. Recent Ninja Gaiden II is superb.

err.. i still prefer WII/DS though

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ic...u are into jap games sly.gif...

but um..for me...me not realli into RPG games...

too much involvement..too many weapons..make me dizzy.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflipsrsealed.gif

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Neutral Newbie

Sorry i forgot to clarify that i do not own the game COD4 but tried and played from a friend over a week. Finished the single player within 3 days, spending about 3 hrs each day.

i can ask if anybody is selling their old COD4.


heard of assassin's creed, plays like the PC game thief, where stealth is everything. quite good too.


for those who like sports, nba 2k8 for hoops fans, better than nba live. the graphics is way out of this world. gameplay ok, can be better tuned as some player movement damn awkward. winning eleven for soccer fans. a bit stale already from the old franchise, would recommend fifa08 though. table tennis by rockstar. this game sometime back, never thought anyone would buy this game. Tried and found quite playable.


how come no one mentioned halo 3? this was like the best selling game for the xbox360 then, until of course GTA4 came along. having player halo 1 and 2 on the old xbox, i don find much difference from the old series.

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GTA 4 is a great and realistic game. Lots of things to do besides going for missions. I hope that they improve the realism of fooking prostitutes in the car as well as gf in their apartment. LOL. [:p]


I completed GTA 4 in a total of 48hrs gameplay. Would replay the game and try out various choices and pathways in the game to see what kind of endings will I experience.


FM2 is a must-have for car racing fans.

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that..i do not haf an answer... for u tongue.gif...

mine is the xbox 360 Go Pro edition ...retail at 499 ..unmodded set tongue.gif

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icic...okok...u finished it in 9 hours u mean sly.gif

then u are not much of a pro le i suppose tongue.gif

coz the US review from gamespot..

he finished it in 5 hours tongue.gif

and yupz..do ask around..me find it not worth paying 60-70 bucks for

a weekend's entertainment..for me..

the game muz at least last 20 hours tongue.gif...


yupz..assasin's creed is about stealth..but u get to kill a lot of baddies tongue.gif...

not sure if u can do that in thief or not though tongue.gif


and sports game...so far me onli haf 1...

the uefa 2008 one...but um...find it hard to score...

played it a few times..but onli managed to score like once or twice..

gave up playing in the end sweatdrop.gif


yupz..me was expecting someone to mention Halo 3 as well..

so where are the Halo fans...sly.gif

though me is not one lipsrsealed.giflaugh.gifPosted Image

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din noe u can approached pros in GTA 4..

remembered an earlier version can do this...

so how u do it in GTA 4 ah...

is it the same as earlier version..

where u drive up to them...and um..how to identify one?

and um...does the health bar increase after that sly.gif

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The pros appear at night. Drive along those sleezy places or industrial areas. Pull up to them, tap your horn, then you pick them up. After that, just drive them to a quiet and dark spot, and they will offer you their services. 20 for handjob, 50 for blowjob and 90 for boom boom if I remember the price correctly. Pretty steep rates compared to Geylang because it is all over in less than minute whereas in Geylang you have at least half an hour of pleasure. [laugh]

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no wonder rolleyes.gif...so um..wad they wear sly.gif

me cant seem to find them leh sweatdrop.gif

and um....think for u..better to go Geylang get the real thing lah sly.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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