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How to tell ppl hardly can own a car?


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i think a few other forumers also did not if you read the thread.


Anyway, if you do.. keep it minimal cos the banks are stuffed.


Exercise prudence instead of your ego.

Edited by Spenz
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i don't agree..


5yrs ago my parents bought the Civic i'm driving at close to 90k(COE then was 20+k for <1600cc), 40% downpayment..7yr loan..it has been drinking RON92 since day 1...until now, nothing wrong with it..


not that we cannot afford RON95/98..but why the need to spend more?

Edited by Shull
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huh? u mean don't take car loan? who in SG can don't take car loan?


heh heh quite a few, Dude, including myself .


there's a poll on it leh, quite high percentage in MCF dont take loan

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wah...this i beg to disagree...


i wash my car takes 4hrs ...WASH n dry only hor...no waxing ...then after that I got to spend another hr for myself cos i always ended up being soaked to the bone unsure.gif


not forgetting i got to bring a stool, deck out in my swim gear n standby $10 worth of 20cts coin.

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Only ladies asked for their cars to be filled by attendants. laugh.gif


u hor smash.gifsmash.gifsmash.gif ....could due to mgmt directives leh.


next time i will ask those attendant who won't let me DIY be it toppg petrol or air for the tyres.


hmmm maybe they scared i put the nozzle on the exhaust or worse i might drive off with cappg n putting the hose back laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


btw, i noticed alot of attendant like to target ladies to use V-power instead of lower octane petrol...perhaps a case of perceiving ladies as AirHeads confused.gif

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Aiya, this is Chinese mentality mah, inbuilt in the genes and DNA, if I were to analyse all SG car onwners like you I would be starting a thread stating that 81% of ppl should not even be owning car as they all live in HDBs, can't even afford proper housing. If you tell foreigners that car owners in Singapore own cars which are car are 2/3 to 3/4 the price of their houses, they will all be in shock. Yet I see so many young punks with expensively dolled up WRXs and EVOS can spend money at tuning shops without blinking, I look closer at their HDB decal I can see many live in crummy HDBs and yet their cars so nicely dressed ?????


My friends in US also share the same experience with some Asians (mainly Chinese) who own Mercs, and everyday eat salted fish and porridge. So how you know those car owners who are pumping 95 and above can really afford to own cars? They pump high grade petrol into their car stomachs and no money left, later buy poor man's food put into their own stomachs and those guys you see pumping 92 into car's stomach may be saving money to put shark's fin into their own stomach, so who is smarter?


Anyway it is their choice, your thread is pointless, society is nothing but a show, everybody is really empty inside.

Edited by Testa_ross4
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As per topic,recently,probably due to the fuel hike,I saw alot of ppl pump Ron92.Personally i feel,these group of ppl are those with 0 downpayment and are feeling the pinch.I do feel the pinch of petrol price nowadays,but I'll never allow my car to drink anything below Ron95,i'm driving a jap tin can.Can this group of ppl,if in MCF,why pump 92 for your brand new alphard,civic 1.8,sunny etc?


And today,this kuku driver driving a brand new civic,reach the station,don't even know how to pump,or rather wait for the service crew to help him.As the service crew approach,he asked,"sir,95 or 98?"he replied,92 will do,then keep pointing fingers here and there complaining.I mean,if can't afford to pump,don't drive.


As per topic, recently, probabaly due to the fuel hike, I see a lot of people posting such posts. Personally, I feel this group of people are those with 0 downpayment and are feeling the pinch, I do feel the pinch of petrol prices nowaways, but I never needed to make such posts to console myself, I'm also driving a jap tin can. Can this group of ppl in MCF, how can you pass such judgement based on what petrol they choose?


And today, this threadstarter came to MCF and started such a tread. I mean, don't seek to put down others to make yourself feel good.


Now, see how just by editting a few lines we see adifferent take someone else can possibley have, based on the same 'rationale'


And looking at this again... don't we agree that this is a rather baseless and stupid way of making an assessment?... [laugh]


If the driver didn't know the minimum RON requried for his ride, that makes him/her ignorant

If the driver knew the requriement and chooses a lower grade, that make him/her bochap

There's no strong/credible reason to link that to ability to afford a car

Edited by Scoots
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thumbsdown.gif for u


just becos of 1 incident u say pple cheapo can hardly own a car?


hello, cheapo r those who pump V power liao and drive off without paying.




OMG...... [sweatdrop][sweatdrop][sweatdrop] sometimes I top-up 92 on my Picnic...... [:p][:p][:p]


I'm cheapo...... [:|][:|][:|]

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huh? u mean don't take car loan? who in SG can don't take car loan?




err... those who buy lotteries on Sat, Sun, Mon, Wed, Thurs...... [sly][sly][sly]




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laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif agree with u.


last time got ex-coll driving a turbo-conti, spend monies on alcohol, stayg around orchard area but only got $5 to top up petrol.


imo, those who can't afford a car are those who default their instalment n have to play hide n seek.



"last time got ex-coll driving a turbo-conti, spend monies on alcohol, stayg around orchard area but only got $5 to top up petrol"


oh no...... once a while, I would top-up $10 to $20 on my car (for I always like to see a full tank)..... [sly][sly] , did I fall into this class of ppl...... [sweatdrop][sweatdrop][sweatdrop]




Edited by Picnic06
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huh? u mean don't take car loan? who in SG can don't take car loan?


heh heh quite a few, Dude, including myself .


there's a poll on it leh, quite high percentage in MCF dont take loan


the poll is puzzling then. even ppl buying lambo take car loans- my previous SE told me.

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dude, i think your initial posts made us think differently. i thought u were simply saying filling below 95 is loser, rather than filling your car below recommended octane is loser. i think we all misunderstood yr main point.


maybe yr post should be written as-


don't fill below recommended octane. if u can't even afford the minimum octane for your car, then u shouldnt own a car in the first place.


in that sense, im inclined to agree with u. a car is an important asset, er...or burden. do the minimum to take care of it at the least, tat includes petrol.

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Taking loans are not necessarily a bad thing.


A businessman can take $1.2m loan for an LP640 and invest his existing $1.2m into his business that generates say 20% returns. The returns are higher than the interest rate for the car loan so why pay all into something that depreciates once you drive out of the showroom?


So there's 2 sides to it. Nothing wrong with paying full or taking full loan. Its the factors that determine the choice.


Fact is lots of silly or maybe even stupid people think taking full loan is suicidal and that paying in full is something to shout about on the internet or even in real life.

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Aiya, this is Chinese mentality mah, inbuilt in the genes and DNA, if I were to analyse all SG car onwners like you I would be starting a thread stating that 81% of ppl should not even be owning car as they all live in HDBs, can't even afford proper housing. If you tell foreigners that car owners in Singapore own cars which are car are 2/3 to 3/4 the price of their houses, they will all be in shock. Yet I see so many young punks with expensively dolled up WRXs and EVOS can spend money at tuning shops without blinking, I look closer at their HDB decal I can see many live in crummy HDBs and yet their cars so nicely dressed ?????


My friends in US also share the same experience with some Asians (mainly Chinese) who own Mercs, and everyday eat salted fish and porridge. So how you know those car owners who are pumping 95 and above can really afford to own cars? They pump high grade petrol into their car stomachs and no money left, later buy poor man's food put into their own stomachs and those guys you see pumping 92 into car's stomach may be saving money to put shark's fin into their own stomach, so who is smarter?


Anyway it is their choice, your thread is pointless, society is nothing but a show, everybody is really empty inside.



i prefer sharksfin.. [laugh]

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full loan without any cash left is suicidal..

if i have 100k and i still take full loan of my civic, then not suicidal..

its just the interest spread and how i am going to make the returns to offset the cost.. [;)]

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