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Ho Chi Minh City - Anything to recommend?


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in that case, try duxton located along nguyen hue.

4 star, operated by LKH pple from S'pore. Decent location and suits your budget, not a shabby hotel.


But vacancy is tight for obvious reasons so book early.

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ya... one thing their garmen more hiong than ours sweatdrop.gif police there also very lao lan mad.gif


got one time I place a promotional standee outside the shop the police happened to walk pass, ask for 'license' to display the standee, then when my staff asked what license, they proceed to smash up the standee and took it away shocked.gifdead.gifmad.gif


i always remind pple who get too used to the place:

still a commie country, all the blah blah abt young workforce BS.


The males(30s age group and up) are lazy, find smallest reason to go for smoke break/ kopi break/ or just walk ard eng eng cheng cheng like they are the boss.


The females tend to be better and serious abt work.

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talk about eng eng like boss... shakehead.gif most of my staffs are gorgeous.gifinlove.giflaugh.gif and the lowest ranking person happened to be a man working as security guard... but he talk bigger than all others laugh.gif and when I turn up he become mouse la laugh.gif


female still more hardworking then guys. their guys good for sitting in coffee shop facing main road sipping coffee the whole day rolleyes.gif

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That is so true.! & they (females) are more willing to learn.



sabian "

"i always remind pple who get too used to the place:

still a commie country, all the blah blah abt young workforce BS.


The males(30s age group and up) are lazy, find smallest reason to go for smoke break/ kopi break/ or just walk ard eng eng cheng cheng like they are the boss.


The females tend to be better and serious abt work. "


Edited by Conned
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I find that I will somehow end up hiring a lady for the job.

Unless there are physical/other specific requirement that a lady cannot handle.

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I rather teach and give opportunities to the ladies. More auto.

The guys expected everything to fall on their laps.

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