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Poor 1-room HDB old folks


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actually there r other solutions but they r expensive solution.


so some1 took the easy way out.

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Then no alternative?

My friend working in a bank.

One of the cleaner apparently abandoned by her 2 children.

Husband in old folks home and monthly expenditure is 1000+.

Her cleaning job pays her 900 and during night time till 4-5am she has been going around and collect card-board earning her monthly 1000+. But my friend says he always see her at 8am. Imagine the time for her to rest.


I CURSE all who abandoned their parents!!

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those in it knows the solution. residential sprinklers.


in 1/2 fark way, they r right. becos most pple died at hm from fire, overcome by smoke. if u read up on home fires, asylum fire, etc death is large.


but ... to put up sprinklers cost $$$. to stuff the holes cost a fraction.


then.. when u stuff the holes, pple will b tempted to keep the doors open becos too warm inside.


so effect-cause = zero


instead of small holes. end up bigger hole. die faster...




scholarly engineering = fail

social responsibility = fail

engineering judgment = fail

understanding of culture/ behavior = fail


pooints to Marlboro tan fail.

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Why so complicated and don't speak of the truth straight away and rather wayang about 'alternatives'?


The best solution the MIW want is to put all these old folks in some far away island...the Pedcra rock would be a good start [laugh] ...and let the strong sea breeze put out any fire that would start from their living quarters there..save the SCDF needing to battle the fire! [laugh]


Oh..I almost forgot...putting theme in a far away island would also take care of the 'smell' coming out out 'small holes' which they claimed too ( though never spoken of!!) [sly][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]

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the hoon kee man waiting to enbloc those flats lah

why waste $$ to put sprinklers, also not some hi tech biznezz park.


social safety net...ms vivian shd go do some social volunteer work

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Neutral Newbie
Old folks are already the weakest group here.


The ventilation issue must have been very unbearable for them.

Otherwise they won't be grouping together to file for this petition.


It pains me to see such basic request being treated in a nonchalant manner.


It would be a nice gesture if we could gather some money and buy some fans, distribute to those who need it most...

i support this!!! how can we help? [flowerface]

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u buy fan, their elect bill goes up. wait forgot to pay/ no $$ to pay, kena cut electrical. then become LPPL also.

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Although the flats will be more stuffy, the ventilation holes have also been feared to cause fire as passerby throw lighted butts into the units. That is why some non-upgraded flats have news papers stuffed in the holes to deter such pranks.


The holes also been contention of pest infestations, as the rodents move from one unit to the next, through these holes.


My experience with the one-roomers is that they welcome the sealing of the holes than to live in fear.


Of course, the one room flats' living conditions could be made better.

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all the talk abt golden age and first world and Switzerland and more good years


and then we are quibbling abt an extra $30 for 3000 families and turning a blind eye to 1 roomers...


does the MP for that estate even visit them during pre-election walkabouts? or will the stench hurt their elite nostrils.

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Neutral Newbie
Tell me about it man..i join this group of volunteers who will give out rice & other essential provisions to needy families in 1-2 room flats on a monthly basis.


Since the unit is small,once they opened the door. U can practically see the whole house. Really a sad sight...


Old folks are the most,then also families with so many children, all sleep on the floor.tink bangla better life.mentally handicapped folks,worse i seen is an old couple taking care of 4-5kids,a mentalli/physically handicap younger sibling,asked where the parents,they say both in jail....all these forgotten by the govt.


What to do during 2006 erection....Ah lee said liao Nobody will be left behind... So that's really live example...


If want to prevent fire from spreading, first make the corridor wider, spread out the unit rather than cramping everyone togather...patching up the holes make no diff lah...worst die faster cos of suffocation....

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Actually, our current gov and its beginnings started off very well. It started off with very noble and great objectives to help the people and the poor.


NTUC started off as a means to combat profiteering and sold good quality rice at low prices so it helped to ease off the hording and selling of rice by crooked merchats at unaffordable prices. Insurance was also sold at very affordable premiums with proper payouts because big Insurance companies charged high premiums with high payouts but was unaffordable to the poorer masses.


Thereafter when the needs were met, NTUC built Pasir Ris resort to cater to the same crowd who could not afford to go overseas or have any social games or outings. Pasir Ris resort was built with that in mind and during those times it was very affordable.


Public transport purpose was to make sure everyone can afford to travel from one place to another affordably and with minimum comfort. The rates were affordable to even the poorest.


HDB was formed so that it would build public housing that catered to the poor who could not afford a roof over their heads and they subisdized heavily on the costs. Now it has become diffcult to afford and the subsidy is actually a market price subsidy.


The list goes on and on... for the organizations which started out as noble and great efforts to just help the poor..... Sadly, everything is about bottom line and companies are getting listed... This seems to have greatly changed the way these companies are run and the public duty and how they started out seem to be lost....


The times when public organizations were built to serve and help the lower income seem to be a forgone past.... siggghhhhh

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somehow tat strikes a chord with Durai version of NKF. sly.gif


so if Durai was wrong to rip off peasant, what does tat says abt ahem ahem

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if there is pest infestation, then HDB as the building owner is liable to do something and control the pest. becos pest breed disease.


such is beyond the means of pple living fr hand to mouth, 1 or 2 times a day. everything to them is $$.

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gahmen say cannot give handouts too freely, how?


anyway, what of those who were abandoned by their parents? dun curse them leh [:p]

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Damn it! High handed tactics to bully the poor. Hope the smart aleck burn in hell!


The MIW chants, "help the poor.. help the poor.. help the poor.." Then the MIIW decided, "We raised GST, surely that will help the poor by increasing their daily expenses"


The MIW chants, "help the poor.. help the poor.. help the poor.." Then the MIW decided, "We seal up the ventilation hole outside their 1 room flat so that they will get stuffy inside and will move out of the flat and live on the street. Of course if there is a fire, only 1 of the unit will kenna.. But only if there is a fire.. surely that will help the poor"


The MIW chants, "help the poor.. help the poor.. help the poor.." Then the MIW decided, "We decided not to give subsidy to the poor on daily needs like rice, cooking oil, instead ask volunteers and ask them to buy housebrand, surely that will help the poor"


Ok ok maybe I dun see the BIG picture the MIW see..


These freakin' MIW people living in wells? [furious]

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Neutral Newbie

you should have seen 3 elderly folks staying together in a crampy 1rm unit in Redhill blk 89.2 of them are handicapped.And one Ah Mah staying alone.She has difficulty walking and her unit smell of urine stench...poor ventilation


20 years ago, my grandpa used to stay in the 1-room flat at Redhill and I visited him often.


With the ventilation holes around, the building was already stenched with urine smell then.


I can't imagine the flat when it is 20 years older (today) with the ventilation holes completely sealed with cement.


The person who made the decision to seal these holes have obviously not stayed in these units before. [shakehead]


The people who make these decisions are probably staying in landed property. These one room units have been around for many years and how many incidents of fire spreading from unit to unit have been reported so far. It has taken these so called intelligent folks a long time to finally figure out that sealing the vent holes is the only way to prevent fire spreading. I am sure the same intelligent folks can figure out a better solution. These thinkers are suppose to be the brains of the Govt. They think they are doing something good for the old people that live in these units but their solution has created another problem which typical of some people working in the GOVT service is now not their problem.

Edited by Accentrix
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