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Poor 1-room HDB old folks


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those 1337 will never look at ur past contributions. so long as u're not contributing now, u're deem useless. which is why they lock in our CPF until 85.


this is getting hopeless. i expect them to lose more % in the next GE.


hopefully this gets featured on the current affairs on channel 8.

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Old folks are already the weakest group here.


The ventilation issue must have been very unbearable for them.

Otherwise they won't be grouping together to file for this petition.


It pains me to see such basic request being treated in a nonchalant manner.


It would be a nice gesture if we could gather some money and buy some fans, distribute to those who need it most...

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Damn it! High handed tactics to bully the poor. Hope the smart aleck burn in hell!


The MIW chants, "help the poor.. help the poor.. help the poor.." Then the MIIW decided, "We raised GST, surely that will help the poor by increasing their daily expenses"


The MIW chants, "help the poor.. help the poor.. help the poor.." Then the MIW decided, "We seal up the ventilation hole outside their 1 room flat so that they will get stuffy inside and will move out of the flat and live on the street. Of course if there is a fire, only 1 of the unit will kenna.. But only if there is a fire.. surely that will help the poor"


The MIW chants, "help the poor.. help the poor.. help the poor.." Then the MIW decided, "We decided not to give subsidy to the poor on daily needs like rice, cooking oil, instead ask volunteers and ask them to buy housebrand, surely that will help the poor"


Ok ok maybe I dun see the BIG picture the MIW see..

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i too stayed in a 1 room flat with my uncle for a period of time. now i understand why there are senior citizens corner at the void deck . because the flat is too hot and stuff to stay in for prolonged periods! worst memories during my growing years.



now with the sealing up of the vents, my goodness, might as well stay in a container.....

Now with the freaking hot weather.. i afraid many senior citizens may not take it..

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sollie these r diehard supporters of the old fart. the reason why these flats r not enbloc long ago is their votes (dwindling votes) r valuable.


back then pple say he love his country...


now pple say he love his familee more...


suffer? or retribution?


i cannot say i will pity them becos for all u know. the one eye see everything in the flat may hv some stacks of cash stashed away somewhere. ie he/ she may b more richer then some pple here.


so, it is the life they choose. obviously their usefulness has been expended and mebbe the MIW think these r social parasites. ok sure, batam and penang retirement house not ready yet.


for others who r really poor, all their support for the old fart did not bring prosperity and wealth to them. so go figure, esp those 66.6%.


this path may be u next.



Every government says it does that but very few electorates accept that. We have succeeded in getting the Singapore electorate to accept it because we have done it successfully each time, and they know that we have not gone richer, Singapore has gone richer. So the proof is that we have performed in accordance with our promises.
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reason given by HDB is when in the event of fire, the smoke will not spread to other units via the vent opening. thus will not affect others.


but... the smoke will also not be able to get out of the fire unit via the same vent and kill the occupier, right? [:p]


their theory is: if fire happened in e unit, the unit occupier die can liao... dun affect others!! [bounce1]

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tat one must ask pee sai ong... he smoke alot but haven't die yet. so smoking does not = dead.


many other ways to die faster

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yup.... it seems that's their "philosophy" and ways to treat the "elderly".... [sweatdrop]


those SIM's hostel is so much better than ALL the one room flat in sg... oopss... i cannot compare like that hor since those hostels are for making $$$$ and one room hdb flat are NOT!!>.. [lipsrsealed]

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i dont think that is the only reason..... if their plan of "retirement village" at batam, jb or bintan work as plan, im sure miw will throw these elderly there, en-bloc all the flats, erect some nice nice flat to make $$$.... some of those location has high value... [sweatdrop]

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in sg context, no $$ really can die faster.... maybe they seal up ventilation holes is some kind of conspiracy .... i think those cages in zoo has better consideration... [sweatdrop]

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easy.. just re-draw and re-adjust the map... tata...certain portion of amk could belong to tanjong pagar if they want it to be that way.... [lipsrsealed]

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Old folks are already the weakest group here.


The ventilation issue must have been very unbearable for them.

Otherwise they won't be grouping together to file for this petition.


It pains me to see such basic request being treated in a nonchalant manner.


It would be a nice gesture if we could gather some money and buy some fans, distribute to those who need it most...


they may not be able to afford the electricity with tariffs rising like no tmr [shakehead]

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I was watching the Channel 8 news, showing the predicaments of some old folks staying in 1-room HDB flats. I was shocked to hear that the HDB people have sealed (with cement) the ventilation holes of the units along the corridor.


I used to stay in a 1-room HDB flat when I was a small kid. With the ventilation holes along the corridor, it was already very stuffy. I can't imagine having these ventilation holes completely sealed.


When it rains, the windows in the unit need to be closed and there will be no ventilation.

It is as good as staying in a store-room. The poor folks staying in the 1-room flat can't afford the additional electricity for fans, not to mention air-conditioner.


The old folks had grouped together to petition for the removal of these cement seal. But the spokesman replied that they have decided to seal these ventilation holes because there have been one case of fire spread from one unit to the other, through these holes. Their petition was not accepted.


Poor folks. I hope the person who insisted on this implementation could spend a night in these units to understand the predicaments faced. [mad]


How many times must I put up this picture which is self explainatory? [:|]


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They should weight based on probability of fire happened, and the probability of having poor ventilation to people living there..


Fire caused, and spreading through these holes would be rare...

but living in poor ventilation is a everyday business.....


So they are so called the scholar, elites in HDB.

In chinese....some say.this as ...the head filled with sh@t...........

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Dun keep flashing that pic of that gal. Nearly puke my morning breakfast, yesterday breakfast lunch n dinner. [sweatdrop]

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