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Poor 1-room HDB old folks


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I was watching the Channel 8 news, showing the predicaments of some old folks staying in 1-room HDB flats. I was shocked to hear that the HDB people have sealed (with cement) the ventilation holes of the units along the corridor.


I used to stay in a 1-room HDB flat when I was a small kid. With the ventilation holes along the corridor, it was already very stuffy. I can't imagine having these ventilation holes completely sealed.


When it rains, the windows in the unit need to be closed and there will be no ventilation.

It is as good as staying in a store-room. The poor folks staying in the 1-room flat can't afford the additional electricity for fans, not to mention air-conditioner.


The old folks had grouped together to petition for the removal of these cement seal. But the spokesman replied that they have decided to seal these ventilation holes because there have been one case of fire spread from one unit to the other, through these holes. Their petition was not accepted.


Poor folks. I hope the person who insisted on this implementation could spend a night in these units to understand the predicaments faced. [mad]

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you should have seen 3 elderly folks staying together in a crampy 1rm unit in Redhill blk 89.2 of them are handicapped.And one Ah Mah staying alone.She has difficulty walking and her unit smell of urine stench...poor ventilation


And one Lau Ah Mah who stayed alone coz her children abandoned her.She has heart bypass operation years ago and has difficulty in walking




when I walked into their unit..it is very stuffy !!

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Old folks are already the weakest group here.


The ventilation issue must have been very unbearable for them.

Otherwise they won't be grouping together to file for this petition.


It pains me to see such basic request being treated in a nonchalant manner.

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you should have seen 3 elderly folks staying together in a crampy 1rm unit in Redhill blk 89.2 of them are handicapped.And one Ah Mah staying alone.She has difficulty walking and her unit smell of urine stench...poor ventilation


20 years ago, my grandpa used to stay in the 1-room flat at Redhill and I visited him often.


With the ventilation holes around, the building was already stenched with urine smell then.


I can't imagine the flat when it is 20 years older (today) with the ventilation holes completely sealed with cement.


The person who made the decision to seal these holes have obviously not stayed in these units before. [shakehead]

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hi bro

Just watched the program earlier too. Terrible for the old folks.... and obviously as one of the interviewees (an old lady) said, they are already very poor and can hardly afford more expenditure.




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Tell me about it man..i join this group of volunteers who will give out rice & other essential provisions to needy families in 1-2 room flats on a monthly basis.


Since the unit is small,once they opened the door. U can practically see the whole house. Really a sad sight...


Old folks are the most,then also families with so many children, all sleep on the floor.tink bangla better life.mentally handicapped folks,worse i seen is an old couple taking care of 4-5kids,a mentalli/physically handicap younger sibling,asked where the parents,they say both in jail....all these forgotten by the govt.

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i too stayed in a 1 room flat with my uncle for a period of time. now i understand why there are senior citizens corner at the void deck . because the flat is too hot and stuff to stay in for prolonged periods! worst memories during my growing years.



now with the sealing up of the vents, my goodness, might as well stay in a container.....

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Dunno who is the smart alec tat come up with such a smart idea


It is alright if they had started off with a wrong decision. Everyone makes mistakes.


But they should at least listen to the feedbacks from the affected residents and rectify it accordingly.


The response from the spokesman was very disappointing, especially over such public broadcast.

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Age-Dee-Bee??? I've given up on them liao..


Feedback to them late last year that CP lots are sufficient at my place, suggests that the big field in front of my block be converted to a MSCP or open CP, as I foresee that the situation will get worse as time goes by as cars become more affordable.


You know what their reply is?


The quota for season parking tix hasn't been reached yet, so they can't do anything but to MONITOR.... oh ya, they did mention they did a check and found still got lots avail.


I'm thinking what time did they come..... obviously during working hours which is in the afternoon rite?? Of cos got lots lah, most of the cars are gone mah! [hur]


So many cars are parked illegally as there are no more lots if u returned after 11pm. And the next avail lots are like 15 to 20 mins walk away. Who would wanna walk that distance and it's a big inconvenience for those carrying heavy stuff....


Haiz........ dunno what they used to think lah....

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you should have seen 3 elderly folks staying together in a crampy 1rm unit in Redhill blk 89.2 of them are handicapped.And one Ah Mah staying alone.She has difficulty walking and her unit smell of urine stench...poor ventilation


Yes, talking about urine stench and poor ventilation. It can be unbearable, especially for the residents there. No good for health too.


I seriously think it is necessary to install one fan along the common corridor for better ventilation. This is a basic welfare which I hope the poor could receive, other than the public lightings.


The old folks had contributed to the growth of Singapore and this is a very basic favor which we could return to them.

Edited by Albeniz
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