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5 Years all it takes to ruin Singapore


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aiyah, ignore that bugger lah. must be PMS today. waste saliva.


I think old man can sense the growing unhappiness of PAPPY during this 1 year.

Inflation, std of living SHOT up, MSK, ICA, ERP watever ..... so now must threaten US with our impending decision ??? thumbsdown.gif

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tat's y ah khiang is born beri khiang, no nid to hamtum them, they so capable of shooting their own foot.


khiang tio si khiang, no nid to kay khiang

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Even they lost a few areas, the opp r only allow to go into the parliament and speak for the ppl. The ruling party still the MIW.

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"He said Singaporeans know they have such leaders because, over the years, 'we have not got richer, Singapore has".


I couldn't imagine such a sentence can be spoken out when all sinkies here are suffering.....

BTW, yes Singapore has got richer and Singapore run by who??

He must be thinking we are still living in caves,hur.gif

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Neutral Newbie

Why is there a need to convert to RM? Our future is uncertain nobody can tell what is going to happen tomorrow. [laugh][laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

he meant malaysia after recent election, BN (govt) lost big is good.

is it really good?

If it's really good, whole world has confidence in them, investment will pour in, RM will appreciate. If he think is good, convert S$ to RM, reality is not like that.

But is this the case? NO. Instead reverse happen, investment pull out.

Penang better today? Intel stop all investment in Penang plant, 2nd bridge stop....

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He said a country needed three elements to succeed.


First, a government that people have confidence in and will trust when tough decisions need to be taken.


Second, leaders who are above board, who make decisions based on necessity, not how they will personally benefit. He said Singaporeans know they have such leaders because, over the years, 'we have not got richer, Singapore has'.


Third and most importantly, a country needs able men in charge.


Addressing point by point:


1.Confidence and trust....is earned, not passed on/ inherited. While I am thankful to the old guards for their decisions that made Singapore what it is today, the younger leaders today (no doubt, in a more challenging time) have yet to show that they are deserving of complete trust and confidence. On the other hand, the frequency of 'honest mistakes' and how simply we just 'move on'.... let's just say that's not really something that builds confidence and trust


2. Leaders who are above board and make decisions based on necessity. A few months back, a certain transport minister was saying that widening CTE was not the way to ease traffic congestion, but ERP was. Well... now CTE is being widened... and ERP is still being raised and more erected. So how thorough do they assess situations before making those 'necessary' decision? Singapore getting richer .. hmm... Temasek's pouring money into lots of 'long term' investiments, but Singapore getting richer or not, I cannot tell. I know minister's salary have been increased so I should think that they ARE getting richer. I also know that policies in place now is garunteeing me kopi and milo till I expire but I'm not able to touch all of MY CPF... so am I getting richer?.. hmm...


3. Able men. Ok, let's see... the MSK saga. Huang Na's killer. Richard Yong. The latest ICA father-son passport issue. So these were not the DIRECT lapses of the 'able men', but these were the actions of their subordinates under them. If able men are not able to lead/direct their subordiates to perform well... what's the point of having these able men in charge?

Edited by Scoots
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When a person is very old and he is going to lose ppl he hold percious in his lifetime, he'll start to fear he'll lose the last piece of thing he held so dearly..the land he stood on.


I know and so do many others, that sometimes he love the place far too much and held onto it too tightly that any ppl he perceived as a threat, he'll hunt down relentlessly.


But the time will come for a person to go anyway and changes will come thereafter that not even he can control or predict on what he wants it to be many years thereafter.


Learn to let go and be at peace with whatever changes will come and have faith in the ppl thereafter that runs the place even if he himself is no longer around. [;)]

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A whole lot of rubbish..


As usual, he goes on his usual strategy of scaring pple into submission..


Nowadays I dun bother to hear what he has to say..most of it are just boasts and shameless self-praise..

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rome aint built in a day. What they can do is to go in, do a good job, gain credibility and hopefully can swing more voters to the opp. in time, their voice could be louder + maybe can veto some act/law ?!?!


if the areas in qns have a cabinet/junior minister, then it'' be a great coup for the opp.

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It takes time for any new party to prove themselves. Old man is a fear monger, if he thinks we are doing superbly, he no need to come out and say these words. A good leader does not use penalties and punishments to force policies down. We lack good leaders, but have good harsh managers only. What if other party is better than him? Singapore is rich meh ? then how come 80% of nation no need to pay income tax , but the mean income is $4400 ? which is in the taxable bracket.

that means to say, 20% of the population holds 80% of total income.

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