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At what age did you reach income ceiling?How do you feel?


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Neutral Newbie

this question doesn't make sense for those still working. cos we will not know the ceiling until we retire. as long as we are still working, we will hope for higher pay.

Edited by Taohuaychui
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The question is simple if we all look at it simply. We all will reach an income ceiling if we stay in what we are doing and don't make a career change. I know a few friends who are in big companies and they have been getting $50 increment yearly. So in their case, they have reached their "income ceiling".


Also for many professions there are salaries level beyong which no one is willing to pay. For example, it's rather unlikely anybody would pay more than $3k for a desktop support engineer, or more than $2k for a retail sales personnel. Maybe there are, but extremely rare. So as far as such people are concerned, they have reached their income ceiling when they draw that kind of pay.


The way to break through such ceiling requires lots of uncomfortable changes like change in industry, career path, more upgrading etc.

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Any thoughts on above?


Your post is vague. What do you mean income ceiling?


Every one have different life style and needs and so the ceiling is different and changing at different phase of their life!


In any case, there is no such thing as income ceiling.


Your aim is to generate the most income during your prime years of your life.


So it would be better if you rephrase your question to something like:


What is the best income per month you hope to get by the time you reach 50 to 55 years? [;)]

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Some professions have some ceiling, some professions dont. Depends on how much stress you wish to subject yourself to and wheather you are prepared to move out of the comfort zone.

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Neutral Newbie

Wat ceiling?


There isnt any ceiling to income. The sky is the limit.


Look at our incumbents' earning.... its still increasing even their pay is at sky high to many of us..



Unless you edit your thread to " At what age do you think you will reach the income ceiling in your profession." If not , its vague.. and i guess no one dare to say they reach tat ceiling..


2 cents

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