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Tire rotation...


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Neutral Newbie



any idea why some tires rotate by moving the front tire to the back and back to front while some tires move from front to back diagonal(opposite corner0


Thanks a lots.....

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becos directional tyres cannot rotate to the other side (diagonal).. otherwise will rotate in wrong direction.. [flowerface]

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Neutral Newbie

thanks for the fast reply....So do you know whats the different between these two type of tires or is there a purpose of this..



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Neutral Newbie

Wow u do not know about the cros rotation purposes ?? Anyone else know about this ?? [;)]

Edited by Ae101r
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Easy way to identify MOST directional tire is it has a distinctive "V" groove thread patten for good water drainage. Put in on the other side of the car & it will not disperse water. In fact it wil do just the opposite & cause aquaplaning.

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only this ?? what other advantages ??



This is the main reason why we rotate our tires.


It wil mean much longer lasting tires. [nod]

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got one question here, my friend driving IS250, he asked me about how can he do his tyres rotation as the width of the front tyres is not the same as the rear tyres.


i got no idea to this, anyone can advise?

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IMHO, rotation can only be done either front or rear pair. For non-directional tyres, swap the wheels left to right and vice-versa. For directional tyres, swap the tyres left to right and vice-versa. Do note that swapping is tyre dependent. Wear dependent, might be cost effective to deviate from the normal suggested rotation at 10k interval.

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If bi-directional tires, rotate front left to front right, rear left to rear right. If uni-directional tires, need to unmount tires & flip over, then remount onto the rims, before rotating over.

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Neutral Newbie

wow..So its better to get a sets of non directional tyre as the cross rotating is much more even on these tyer will last longer....correct!



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ya...but have to confirm if conti csc2 is non-directional. Looking at the thread, it seems not.. [rolleyes]


best if expert bro can confirm [:)]

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Neutral Newbie

Maintaining correct tyre pressure and wheel alignment, unidirectional tyres can last a fair bit without cross rotation. Some thread design helps in more even tyre wear. IMO, you don't lose that much if you just do front/back rotation with unidirectional tire.

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got one question here, my friend driving IS250, he asked me about how can he do his tyres rotation as the width of the front tyres is not the same as the rear tyres.


i got no idea to this, anyone can advise?



If tire is NOT uni-directional, then just swap left to right.

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