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u got the kids and wifey ley.. what so envious about it?? good friends hang out for good food, jokes and talk c0ck lor... [;)]

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I don't eat together "with" my wife... It's either I eat first or she does so the other can "take care" of the 2 little monsters... sweatdrop.gifsweatdrop.gifsweatdrop.gif


And recently she has thoughts of having yet another... dizzy.gifdizzy.gifdizzy.gifsweatdrop.gifsweatdrop.gifsweatdrop.gifdead.gifPosted ImagePosted Image

Edited by Typhoonz
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hmm.. maybe its time to really train the kids to stay and eat on their own... your wifey got feel to have another one?? if u could afford it and u like kids.. i see why not? [;)]

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My daughter is in the midst of training but tends to mess up the place and with no "pressure", she'll take her own sweet time... sweatdrop.gifsweatdrop.gifsweatdrop.gif

Her brother can start eating later than her but will finish faster...

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i see.. then focus a bit more on the daughter then.. and also praise the bro for finishing food up and neat. u know kids need some 'competition' to grow up.. [;)]

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ERP increase will be passed to consumer whether you drive or take taxi, so i don't see increase of ERP means people will switch to taxis. maybe MRT or buses.

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Now she's competing with her brother to see who finish first... Actually do once in a while can liao... If not she's start to gobble down food and sekali never chew properly how? sweatdrop.gifsweatdrop.gifsweatdrop.gif

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well.. do teach her the right way to eat lor.. give her a standard to follow.. but then which kid will follow?? not me when i'm a brat.. [laugh][laugh]

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She knows what to do but you know kids lah... Have to tell her like 3 times before you see any reaction from her... sweatdrop.gifsweatdrop.gifsweatdrop.gif


Maybe I was like that also...

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err... [sweatdrop][sweatdrop][sweatdrop] i like kids.. but when they are your own... its a complete different story again..

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