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Monk joins punters' queue at S'pore Pools outlet


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yup....real monks should be asking for alms which is usually a small pack of rice.


too many fakes around....remember the new paper reported about some fake thai monks and nuns staying in geylang hotel and going all over singapore to ask for $$$?

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From the look of the pic, the "monk" in question seems to belongs to theravada tradition, which in according to one of their vow, they are not suppose to handle $$. In this sense, this is obviously a fake monk.

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ya la, what to do? poor student wor... and some more its still serving me very well since 2006... still getting 15-16km/l [thumbsup]


see no point to upgrade.. since its full paid up and paid for [lipsrsealed]

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whether is fake or not


did he advertise or go about telling anyone that he is a monk


some people like to dress like a school kid but that does not mean they are pretending to be a kid


in thailand many males become monk for a short period of time of their lives to be monk and then return to the secular world


to put the story short, in any organization there is a black sheep


even in heaven, at least there was one black sheep that turned away from god


so before we go about passing value judgement on anyone let us be slow to accuse but quick to praise



if someone goes to "geylang", does it always meant that someone is looking for chicken


we should not stereotype anyone


by the way I am learning everyday trying to do what I am trying to share here



I use to remember going to the DUnhill store many many years ago, I was in my usual office attire with a tie, the salegirls were giving the vip treatment but couldnt be bother with the guy in shorts carrying a ntuc plastic bag.


it turned out the guy bought a set of matching ties with several suit and ALL paid with solid cash from his Ntuc plastic bag.


here i am thinking bloody hell, he must have more money in his plastic bag then in my saving accounts. The guy i understand was from China.


so from that day on, I vow to be not quick to judge because most people turn out to be nice when you get to know them better

Edited by Hishercar
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yeah, you are right. in fact, no monks should gamble at all, no matter what tradition. In fact, I firmly believe that nobody in this world should gamble, but just my pure wishful thinking.

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actually you brought upan interesting point


actually smokers are not fair to non smokers


non smokers get second hand smoke


smoking is a known cause of lung cancer


lung cancer is a long terminal disease that drains resources including finances


you can be cruel and say these people deserve it


because proof that smoking cause cancer


eg in the subsidize ward, these people occur beds that others may need that did not have disease that they created


imaging the amount of money the government spend to subsidize their treatment


these money are our tax money


the government also know that smoking cause cancer BUT yet they can ban chewing gum because it cause a few million to remove them from MRT unilaterally but not willing to ban smoking that cause the country hundreds of million dollars


can't understand the logic

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Dun be like that lahz.. Times are bad.. Not to mention for the monks.. laugh.gif Even monks have dreams mahz.


Dreams to become Millionaire like other Monks [laugh]

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