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Singapore man with armpit fetish gets 14 years' jail, caning


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SINGAPORE (AFP) - - A Singaporean man with a fetish for smelling womens' armpits has been sentenced to 14 years in jail and 18 strokes of the cane, legal officials said Friday. A court employee confirmed the sentence, issued Thursday, against Mohammed Ismail Ariffin, 36.

Ariffin had a fixation for touching or smelling women, particularly their armpits, and was convicted of molesting 23 women, his lawyer Noor Mohamed Marican told AFP.

"He's got this problem. Poor chap," Noor said in a brief interview.


After reading an expert report that said Ariffin was likely to re-offend, Judge James Leong issued a preventive detention order, which means Ariffin will not be eligible for parole, The Straits Times said.


Ariffin, who is mildly retarded, would often attack his victims inside lifts, the report said.


It said Noor argued against a long sentence and in favour of rehabilitation and medical treatment.


But Leong said he found "precious little" in Ariffin's favour, The Straits Times reported.



Poor man sweatdrop.gifsweatdrop.gifsweatdrop.gif

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he should go into MRT during evening rush hours..sure alot of armpits for him to smell..hairy, shaved, banglahs, xiao long nu etc etc.. [laugh]

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i find the sentence not justify...


since he's mildly retarded and have such problem, how can they deny him proper medical treatment to cure the illness?? [shakehead]


so, what happen when he reach the age of 50???..issue him another preventive detention order or something like that to keep him inside???. [hur]

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