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Focal Speakers


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Neutral Newbie

Don't poison me la!!! haha


U need to know what u wan 1st.

Cause install 1 by 1 more ex.

Package easier n more worth it.

As long as u think the sound meets ur requirement, then it's fine.

Also depends wat type of music u listen too..

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Did my soundproofing 2 doors on friday. And then added an Lightning Audio Amp S4 200.2 today. My ears aren't so sensitive to differentiate the difference from adding the amp haha. Probably got to play it louder.


Thanks for the guidance and help guys. :)

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Did my soundproofing 2 doors on friday. And then added an Lightning Audio Amp S4 200.2 today. My ears aren't so sensitive to differentiate the difference from adding the amp haha. Probably got to play it louder.


Thanks for the guidance and help guys. :)

If you can't hear the difference, chances are the quality of the amp you install, the power ratings are over-rated. You should had gone for a better brand amp.


Of course we also know, the hifi shop tend to push certain brands.

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Jus made a "big" discovery. For all we know, conventional soundproofing of inner panels might not match the circumferential taping of speaker rim using sponge-like dampening material. Jus did it n the bass was awesome without using loudness n eq!


I dunno y none of the ice shops I visited suggested doin that... Perhaps SP earns them more bucks???

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Jus made a "big" discovery. For all we know, conventional soundproofing of inner panels might not match the circumferential taping of speaker rim using sponge-like dampening material. Jus did it n the bass was awesome without using loudness n eq!


I dunno y none of the ice shops I visited suggested doin that... Perhaps SP earns them more bucks???


How much you spent on the taping + labour bro?

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Neutral Newbie

Audioedge is no longer selling focal, changed ownership. This thread started in 2008, may i know who is the dealer for FOCAL in singapore now. TIA.

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Neutral Newbie

Audioedge is no longer selling focal, changed ownership. This thread started in 2008, may i know who is the dealer for FOCAL in singapore now. TIA.


i emailed Focal office in France to ask them for the contact of the distributor. The support department is out of office until 3rd September.

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i discovered higher sensitivity spkrs can be driven by stock hu. Ever tried at autobacs the spkr n hu setup? U can on off amp n sub to listen to the diff. IMHO, very minute diff. Amp probably packs slight more punch in bass. If blindfolded, I doubt I can tell.


Those spkr > 91db sensitivity may be sensitive enough to be driven by hu alone.

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After installing pioneer 4550, the focal speakers sounded very good w/o amp, sp, use of good cables. This time bettering my previous combo of mosconi amp n helix comp n sp. heard again some finer details from low freq to hi freq range from usual mp3 pcs I used to try out.


I'm now convinced that


Not every sound system needs an amp, sound proofing may mask certain low freq, mix n match hu n spkr properly. correct me if I'm wrong, ice experts.


Trust ur ears.

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After installing pioneer 4550, the focal speakers sounded very good w/o amp, sp, use of good cables. This time bettering my previous combo of mosconi amp n helix comp n sp. heard again some finer details from low freq to hi freq range from usual mp3 pcs I used to try out.


I'm now convinced that


Not every sound system needs an amp, sound proofing may mask certain low freq, mix n match hu n spkr properly. correct me if I'm wrong, ice experts.


Trust ur ears.



yes.. trust ur ears.. this is important as different people have different liking.. after all, you are in the car, it's ur call whether it's nice or not.. [thumbsup]

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After installing pioneer 4550, the focal speakers sounded very good w/o amp, sp, use of good cables. This time bettering my previous combo of mosconi amp n helix comp n sp. heard again some finer details from low freq to hi freq range from usual mp3 pcs I used to try out.


I'm now convinced that


Not every sound system needs an amp, sound proofing may mask certain low freq, mix n match hu n spkr properly. correct me if I'm wrong, ice experts.


Trust ur ears.


A good headunit also plays a huge part. Am on Focal myself, and I find the SQ not as good as my previous entry level Rainbow speaker. Too sharp for my liking. Maybe Rainbow used silk tweeter and Focal is using aluminium tweeter. I was considering to upgrade to higher range rainbow speakers. Got myself a Pioneer 80PRS from Amazon free shipping and what a whole world of difference it produced. Not intending to change to another set of speakers at the moment. Am very satisfied with the Focal driven by the 80PRS.

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yes.. trust ur ears.. this is important as different people have different liking.. after all, you are in the car, it's ur call whether it's nice or not.. [thumbsup]

Tks bro, this time really very diff experience. I supposed previously did not match correct sensitivity spkrs to correct hu. Adding amp helped significantly, adding sp improved bass. But somehow compared to stock system of say, Kia sorento, still kinda pale in comparison esp it could play some of my pcs revealing details I've not heard before yet not at loud volume.

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A good headunit also plays a huge part. Am on Focal myself, and I find the SQ not as good as my previous entry level Rainbow speaker. Too sharp for my liking. Maybe Rainbow used silk tweeter and Focal is using aluminium tweeter. I was considering to upgrade to higher range rainbow speakers. Got myself a Pioneer 80PRS from Amazon free shipping and what a whole world of difference it produced. Not intending to change to another set of speakers at the moment. Am very satisfied with the Focal driven by the 80PRS.

Not worried about sharp, as i could adjust 8 band eq. Were u aware u could turn off sound retriever so that vocals r less sharp, for example, initial pronunciation fr singer is very pronounced when comes to some words beginning w "ch", "sh", "zh", felt kinda echoey. But just shows how capable both the hu n spkr combo r. On the contrary, I found rainbow spkrs brighter n focal warmer, as the tweeters r capable of lil mids. Perhaps we have different car interior, hu, spkr. U running w/o amp too?

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