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The topic should be change to: Do you love your unit? Tell me more.




I love my unit and I am glad to see so many bros here luv it... Partly different era trging? I was '99 enlisted tho, from mono infantry unit kick to tpt unit. [laugh]


I hate my RT but gradually to love it because i slim down, at least army pay me to go training, escape from work. We shouldn't have the thinking: nnbz had to come here... sian... wa rah here and there. Because end of day we still got to go thru.


At least it make most boys to guys and more responsible after ORD. While some still remain in their own world.


Wayang is the word and the way to do, if not for army, we will not know how to take cover from boss, wayang to show boss we are hardworking etc... [laugh]


I'm a proud RIGGER! [lipsrsealed][sweatdrop][sweatdrop]

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Neutral Newbie

heard he make sure every men eats before he take his meal in the field...when he was in the camp, he used the metal tray, so all the other chaps with rank on the shoulder got no choice but to follow him...heeeheee...but after he left, all back to plates...that's life, i guess...

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No, I wasn't from 23SA. BUt did join in for training during one posting.

Ahhh...just opposite OSB. We had terrible ration from them for weekend duty.

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lan lan... if he plays punk, his dad will hamtum him. We were still using the mess tray initially till they changed it to plates (commercialise) towards the second yr of my NS.

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Neutral Newbie

we used to train at simpang before it was redeveloped...the gunners loved to volunteer for gantry duties when we deployed opposite cony island...they went crab catching instead... [laugh]

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So you know who we talking about ar? I saw with my own eyes.

heard similar story...when i was there, he already posted out laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif
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Neutral Newbie

yes...i know who u guys are talking about...he was the one who intro the use of the calculator for arty calculation...heeeheee...btw, my baret was blue in colour...heeeheee....

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Neutral Newbie

the gunners had their first live firing at kanchanaburi with their 155 followed by their individual's motar [laugh][laugh][laugh] ...at the town of kanchanaburi also... [laugh][laugh][laugh]

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u guys good lah... now the r&r in thailand is so restricted. Dont say do live firing at kanchanaburi town lah, it is so strict now that we dont even have a chance to size up our targets [sly]

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love my unit too and the friends i made. love going back to reservist, although i think at some point in time, i will get fired from my job because of it. love the army songs, esp cho peng ziang kia si PTI....actually i love the semi wilderness of army camps, the back to nature feeling.


no sure abt you guys, but when i wear back no. 4, everything changes, mood, priorities, behaviour, language; IQ instantly drop 50 points i think [laugh] so looking forward to it.



our army no good? as they say, for every blur f*ck we have, the enemy also have one [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

during my training there, the men even did their live firing at the canteen at sayok camp... [laugh][laugh][laugh]

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